  • 學位論文


Landscape Planning on the Highland Tropical of Thailand:

指導教授 : 羅清吉 謝清祥


農業是農村生活的主要活動內容。糧食和農業是我們文明的核心。許多宗 教和文化節慶祝都在慶讚糧食豐收和農業的議題著在在顯示農業在人類社會的重要性。如今,大規模的農業活動仍然遭受一些困境和環境問題。農業旅遊是景觀遊憩中可持續發展的目標之ㄧ,農村地區利用其周邊自然環境與社會文化資源以及永續耕作方式發展農村旅遊與農業觀光(休閒農業),增加收入及發展農村經濟,是現代農業發展的必然趨勢。泰國碧差汶高地農業發展研究中心, 負有對植物研究任務,並負有苗木和農產品生產分佈和農業旅遊項目發展研究之責。本研究以該中心為研究基地,試圖透過問卷調查分析了解該中心環境規劃上的諸多問題以便進一步以景觀及環境規劃之學理為基礎並參酌基地現況與相關案例,提出改善規劃之建議, 作為該中心未來環境改善及規劃發展之參考。衡諸一個成功的農業旅遊環境景觀規劃, 必須在現有景觀環境資源的基礎上, 同時配合在發展農業旅遊的框架下,從目標的研擬建議,落實到永續性旅遊景點的實質環境改善規劃。其間所需的知識和經驗是設計師必須面對的嚴正考驗。本文從問卷的發放收集實踐中採集原始數據與資料,並透過統計分析結果了解課題研擬對策,並輔以基地之調查踏勘,真正落實於農業旅遊,生態旅遊,文化旅遊和農業研究領域規劃。台灣的農業觀光、生態旅遊、文化旅遊及農村社區營造與再生已有相當 的已發展成就,其規劃與實踐的成功經驗是值得學習效法的,因此,本文寫作期間曾走訪包括在台灣省台南市舉行的2010年和2011年台灣國際蘭展,2010台北國際花卉博覽會,屏東農業和文化博覽會,墾丁國家公園,墾丁國家森林遊樂區,以及台灣原住民文化園區和琉球離島等地環境景觀與工程建設。以為借鑑並收他山之石功效; 本文全面總結和評估台灣的環境景觀規劃知識經驗, 以及泰國本土資源與人文特色並針對基地的使用者需求作出回應,以提供最佳的規劃方案建議。本研究主要目標之ㄧ在於提出一個成功農業旅遊規劃框架。對設計者而言,需有必要的知識及經驗來評估規劃設計,本文的規劃方案主要來自初級資料,次級資料及實地踏勘探訪的結果。本文研究方法採問卷調查分析法, 在泰國境內各有關單位的協助下, 選取50戶長期生活於農家的農民,選取50名長期在研究領域的官員,選取50名前往該中心旅遊的遊客,以及50名長期在政府部門工作的景觀師為研究對象分別實施問卷調查與分析。結果顯示,受訪者都認為可持續增加農業旅遊知識的接受程度,改善規劃的內容也達到0.05的顯著水平,受訪者意見和建議都收錄並反映在規劃方案中,有關環境改善規劃之結論建議或可提供該中心與相關機構未來環境規劃與永續發展之參考。


Agriculture is the primary rural activity for living. Food and agriculture is at the heart of civilizations. Many religions and cultures celebrate various aspects of food and agriculture due to the importance in communities. Nowadays, its big-scaled agriculture still suffers of commercial problems and environmental issues. For an issue that goes to the heart of humanity. Agro-tourism is prominent part of landscape architecture to sustainable development for keeping the aim to exploit natural and socio-cultural resources, and inherited farming practices allowing earning a complementary income. This research takes Phetchabun Highland Agricultural Development and Research Center, Khao kho District, Phetchabun Province, Thailand as a study site. Where responds on plant research, distribution yield seedling, agricultural products and agro-tourism project. 10% of tourists had been there if compared with other tourist attractions in the Khao kho National Park. The main issue to success on agro-tourism rest upon environmental and landscape planning base on agro-tourism framework to improve the attractive area. The landscape planning was followed from the targets’ suggestion to improve the sustainable tourist attraction. This research was started by the knowledge and experiences of the designer. An achievable practice were collecting primary data, secondary data by observe and survey the real place on agro-tourism, eco-tourism, cultural tourism and agricultural areas in Taiwan including 2010 and 2011 Taiwan international orchid show at Tainan province, 2010 Taipei international flora exposition, Pingtung cultural agricultural and touring country, Kenting national park, Kenting national forest recreation area, Taiwan indigenous peoples cultural park and Liuchiu island. The data on stages of the environment planning including the landscape planning were responded to the human’s requirement to provide the topmost advantage for health or activities, arranged exuberant aesthetics to beauty temper happiness, for the experiment, education or research. Environment and Landscape management must be concerned to how to protect the area, the potential of the area, the environment, culture and social to obtain the highest usefulness, for showing the tourist attractive. The landscape planning was started from art components to integrate the mood of whole and collected fact by observe data directly relate to the way of life, culture and environment to improve the beautiful place for living and maintaining environment friendly. The knowledge of Taiwan were summarized and evaluated to the Khao kho landscape planning. According to the acceptant planning was studied on respondent's feedback: 50 agriculturists who have been living around the research area, 50 officers who have been working at the research area, and 50 tourists who were traveling the research area and 28 the landscaper who have been related on the landscape planning and design in the University and government sectors. The results in the 11 questionnaires were showed in the respondents have gotten to sustainable agro-tourism knowledge with the most acceptant level. Also the 29 questionnaires of the adjustable landscape planning of 4 respondent groups were gotten very and the most acceptant levels, although the acceptant levels of different groups were significantly different opinions at the .05 level. The opinions and suggestions had been processed to adaptable and adjustable the landscape planning and design. That the aim to describes the rationale for developing this agro-tourism framework.


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