  • 學位論文


The Effect of Community Trust on Information Sharing Intention in Virtual Communities

指導教授 : 鄭景華




As the rapid development of Internet, people’s interactions via community websites (such as Facebook, forums, Plurk, etc.) become more and more frequently, that resulted in the emergence of virtual communities. In addition to provides interaction space for people, virtual community create values such as reputation, cohension or even business for individuals and enterprises. This makes virtual community a focus of widespread attention. The value creation of virtual communities comes from the interactions and information sharing among members. What factors contribute to members’ intention to share in their interaction process is a subject of public concern. In this study, the perspective of Community Trust was applied to explore this issue. A survey was conducted, in which 512 valid questionnaires were collected. Empirical results show that the information sharing intention of community members is affected by their community trust, while community trust is related to the characteristics of the other members in the community, the individuals themselves, and the website system. The results also reveal that the effect of individual’s characteristics is not completely intermediated by community trust.


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林佩醇(2016)。社群認同、歸屬與信賴對線上美妝品購買意願影響之研究 -潛在均數模式之檢定〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-1108201714022074
