  • 學位論文


Engineering Characteristics of Permeable Polymer Concrete

指導教授 : 謝啟萬


格柵板(Grating)是將條狀金屬(或FRP)材料交錯縱橫成井字狀後加以固定,具有良好的機械性質,且自重輕,施工方便,目前廣泛用於水溝蓋上;然而因孔洞較大,水溝中的蚊蟲、老鼠會藉由水溝蓋孔洞進出,嚴重影響民眾觀感及衛生。另外生活中因水溝蓋孔徑過大,民眾鑰匙、錢幣等常會因此掉入水溝中;持拐杖或穿高跟鞋的女性更怕遇到水溝蓋;加上近幾年水溝蓋被竊案件層出不窮,倘若用路人無特別注意,很容易因此而受傷。隨著社會不斷進步,為改善生活環境,使國人享受高水準之現代生活,實有需要對水溝蓋進行改善。 本研究研發高強度高透水性樹脂混凝土配比填充FRP格柵板,且因樹脂混凝土具有高強度及良好的耐酸鹼特性,特別適合使用在下水道工程,並運用FRP材質不可回收利用之特性,解決水溝蓋板失竊問題。樹脂透水混凝土與格柵板結合後,除能有效避免異物掉入水溝,更具有平整、美觀、防滑、防蚊蟲…等特性。 本研究針對透水樹脂混凝土配比、強度以及透水性能、阻塞性能等進行模擬試驗。經測試本研究三種樹脂透水性混凝土配比,透水係數最高可達3 cm/s,抗壓強度最高可至192 kg/cm2,具有阻塞後可清洗再使用的特性。未來可提供設計單位及廠商參考使用。


Steel and FRP gratings have widely used as sewer trench covers. However, the openings of those gratings are also the entrances for mosquito and mice to sewer system. Those grating openings also could struck heels and let important items drop through. These all will impact public health and social safety. The objective of this research is to develop a permeable polymer concrete mixture design and be able to fill the openings of FRP grating for urban drainage trench covers. This application will eliminate the possibility of burglary of steel gratings, the prevention of mosquito and mice go through gratings, and important items drop through gratings, etc. Three permeable polymer concrete mixture designs were studied for urban drainage trench covers. The existing filter analyses for preventing clogging were reviewed. The soil particle distribution containing within sewage for the major urban drainage systems in Taiwan was also investigated and analyzed. Polymer concrete samples and mud fluids were used for laboratory filtration tests to evaluate the clogging resistance of the proposed polymer concrete mixtures. Permeability of the proposed polymer concrete mixtures before and after clogging resistance tests were also evaluated. Proto-type FRP/polymer concrete trench covers were made for preliminary try-out field tests. The results of this study indicated that the permeability of proposed polymer concrete mixtures exceeded 3 cm/s. The compression strength could exceed 192 kg/ cm2. Simple cleaning procedure could ensure 90% of its original permeability of the clogged permeable polymer concrete mixture samples. The developed product would improve the public health in Taiwan. In addition, the developed polymer concrete mixture also can be used for many civil work applications required filtration function.


Grating permeable concrete polymer concrete clogging


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