  • 學位論文


Assessing the Removal of Selected Personal Care Products in Wastewater Treatment Plants and Impacts on the Receiving Waters

指導教授 : 謝季吟


本研究為了解普遍存在之個人防護產品與內分泌性干擾物質於污水處理廠及其承受水體之分佈,係針對三大種類目標化合物包含烷酚類物質(壬基苯酚(NP)、辛基苯酚(OP)、壬基苯酚單乙氧基醇 (NP1EO)、壬基苯酚雙乙氧基醇(NP2EO)、雙酚A(BPA))與雌激素類物質(雌一醇(E1)、雌二醇(E2)、乙炔雌二醇(EE2)、雌三醇(E3))及抗菌劑 (三氯沙(TCS))等十種化合物於三座污水廠A、B、C不同類型之生物處理單元及消毒單元污水廠進行處理效率之探討。結果顯示,三座污水廠進流水皆以NP及TCS等化合物檢出率較高,其中以污水處理A廠之NP檢出率最高,其濃度高達330±488 ng/L;污水處理B廠之NP、NP2EO及E1檢出率皆達100%,仍以NP(215±326 ng/L)及TCS(202±194 ng/L)濃度較高;污水處理C廠則以E1檢出率最高,但其平均檢測濃度以NP的136±177 ng/L最高。在不同處理單元之去除效率比較可得知,使用延長曝氣法(WWTP-C)去除效率優於A2O系統之生物處理單元(WWTP-A)及傳統WWTP-B所使用之固體接觸曝氣法;使用UV消毒(WWTP-C)對抗菌劑有較佳的去除效果;而使用次氯酸鈉消毒(WWTP-A及WWTP-C)對酚類物質有較佳的去除效果。結果顯示,生物處理處理單元去除效果較物化單元佳。三座污水處理廠放流水承受水體均以NP檢測率及檢測濃度為最高,顯示NP仍為最普遍存在於溪流水體中的新興污染物,儘管經污水處理廠處理後排入承受水體之化合物多被河川稀釋,但對於匯流進入大型河川的貢獻度仍不容忽視。另外,為了解這些標的化合物所可能造成的生物效應,本研究使用斑馬魚胚胎細胞(ZEM2S)在不同稀釋濃度的目標化合物以彗星試驗法進行基因損害分析,再利用所得EC50搭配化學分析預估目標化合物之水生生態風險。其結果顯示,NP、NP1EO及BPA普遍存在於水體環境中且生態風險均>10,顯示對水生生態存在中度到高度危害之風險;三條承受水體中所測得NP2EO對水生生態具中度危害之風險;三條承受溪流水體對TCS之潛在危害之風險以承受水體A最高,承受水體B次之;而E3於承受水體則亦有高程度危害之生態風險,其餘均低於檢測極限之化合物則不列入計算。 關鍵字:污水處理廠、承受水體、烷酚類化合物、雌激素類化合物、 抗菌劑


This study aimed to evaluate the distribution and removal efficiency of the most widely used personal care products, nonylphenol (NP), nonylphenol-mono- ethoxylate(NP1EO), nonylphenol-di-ethoxylate (NP2EO), bisphenol-A (BPA), 4-octylphenol (OP) , estrone(E1), 17β-estradiol (E2), 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2), estriol(E3) and triclosan (TCS) in three WWTPs and their receiving waters in Southern Taiwan. The levels of ten target compounds in influent, before and after biological treatment, disinfection contact tank, effluent and their receiving waters were investigated form six sampling campaigns between October 2011 and April 2012. The highest concentrations detected in the influent of WWTP-A, WWTP-B, WWTP-C, were 330±488 ng/L (NP), 215±326 ng/L (NP) and 136±177 ng/L (NP), respectively. The higher removal efficiencies through biological treatment were found for WWWTP-C and WWTP-A while the lower removal efficiency was observed for WWTP-B. The results showed the extended aeration process was better than the A2O process and solid contact aeration used in the WWTP-A and WWTP-B. As for the disinfection process, UV disinfection (WWTP-C) was efficient to remove the antibacterial agent and chlorination (WWTP-A and WWTP-B) was more efficient for alkylphenolic compound removal .The decrease of these selected compounds mainly occurred in the biological processes. The NP was found dominant in three receiving waters and the pollution load to the riverine environment should not be ignored. In addition, it was proposed to evaluate the potential ecological risk by the risk quotient calculation which is the ratio of median effect concentration (EC50) and peak chemical concentration. Overall, the calculated RQ showed greater than one for NP2EO and greater than ten for NP, NP1EO, BPA, E3 and TCS which posed greater ecological risk to the aquatic organisms. Keywords: Wastewater treatment plants、Receiving water 、 Alkylphenolic compound、Estrogens、Antibacterial agent


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