  • 學位論文


Study on making colorful concrete using incinerator slag

指導教授 : 鍾文貴


據環保署的統計資料顯示,全台灣24座焚化爐在100年度全年垃圾焚化後產出的灰渣量達130萬公噸,其中焚化底渣量為100萬公噸,約占灰渣總量的77%。環保署為了要達成「零廢棄、資源全回收、垃圾零掩埋」的環保願景,不僅在「垃圾焚化灰渣再利用推動計畫」中明定經妥善處理後之焚化底渣,可再利用於混凝土摻料、瀝青混凝土與磚品添加料、道路工程級配料等用途,且於99年6月1日以環署廢字第0990049699 號函公告「垃圾焚化灰渣再利用推動計畫獎勵補助款執行要點」,補助各縣市政府配合推動垃圾焚化底渣再利用政策,預計101年國內垃圾焚化底渣再利用率將達82%。這些數量龐大的焚化底渣,若能資源化再利用於取代混凝土中部份粒料,不僅可以消化大量的焚化底渣,解決堆置掩埋問題,也可以因應營建工程砂石日益短缺的問題,減少天然砂石的開採使用,進而降低建材的成本。 本研究主要目的在於探討焚化底渣再生料用於取代混凝土中粗粒料之最佳取代率,使得產製的混凝土能滿足要求強度。首先以水灰比0.58與底渣粗料取代天然粗粒料百分率(0%、20%、40%、60%、80%與100%)等兩項變數為試驗分析基礎,再藉由0.55及0.50兩種水灰比縮小取代範圍進行驗證,分別選定適當的材料配比來製作直徑10cm圓柱型試體,作為抗壓強度試驗分析之用,期藉由抗壓強度試驗數據,歸納得滿足混凝土設計強度需求的底渣再生料最佳取代率之材料配比,並以水灰比0.55,底渣粗料取代率(0%、30%、50%、80%)製作彩色混凝土試體進行顏色分析,以瞭解加入底渣後,是否對彩色混凝土產生顏色變化,最後再以底渣粒料取代天然粒料灌製彩色混凝土景觀座椅,作為實務應用。試驗數據統計結果顯示,用三種水灰比(0.58、0.55與0.50)配比混拌製成的混凝土試體,以底渣粗料取代率介於40% ~ 60%的抗壓強度最佳,取代率大於80%的抗壓強度降幅較大。顏色分析結果顯示,底渣粒料應用於彩色混凝土,不影響其顏色之呈現。此結果表明了用焚化底渣再生料取代混凝土中的部份粒料,不僅具體可行且可發揮廢棄資源再生利用的功效,提高焚化底渣的資源化再利用率,對國內環境資源的永續發展有實質上之助益。


底渣 混凝土 粒料


The Environmental Protection Department's statistics, Taiwan 24 incinerator, within 2011, annual outputs of slag after incineration capacity of 1,300,000 tones, bottom slag incineration capacity of 100,000 tones, accounted for about 77% of total slag. Environmental Department to reached "zero abandoned, and resources full recovery, and garbage zero buried" of environmental vision, not only in "garbage incineration slag then using promoting plans" regulations by properly processing of incineration bottom slag, may then using concrete mixed with material, and asphalt concrete and brick products added material, and road engineering level ingredients, uses, and 99 annum on June 1 to ring department waste word No. 0990049699, letter notice "garbage incineration slag then refuse with promoting plans award grants paragraph practice do points", County Municipal Government meet to promote waste incineration bottom slag refuse policies, is expected to 2012 year domestic waste incineration bottom slag recycling rate will be 82%. These large quantity of incineration bottom slag, if they can refuse to replace concrete aggregates in the Central, not only can process a lot of bottom slag incineration to address Dumping buried issue, or in response to sand and enriching the shortage of construction engineering, reduce the use of natural gravel mining, thereby reducing the cost of building materials. This research primarily aimed at incineration bottom slag renewable materials used instead of coarse aggregate in concrete the best replacement rate, making production of concrete to meet the requirements of strength. Two item variables for test analysis such as cement ratio (0.58, 0.55 and 0.50) and bottom slag coarse material replaced natural rough aggregate percentage (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%), then respectively selected appropriate of material ratio to making diameter 10cm cylindrical type circular cylinder, as compressive strength test analysis of with, period through compressive strength test data, inductive was meet concrete design strength demand of bottom slag then raw best replaced rate of material ratio.And cement ratio 0.55, bottom slag coarse material replaced natural rough aggregate percentage (0%, 30%, 50%, and 80%) make color concrete to analysis diversity of color compare with adding the stag. Eventually, use the bottom slag aggregates replace the natural aggregate making the landscape seats of color concrete, as a practical application.Test data and statistics showed that in three different water cement ratio (0.58, 0.55 and 0.50) proportion of mix made of concrete, bottom slag coarse material replaced the rates between 40%~60% compressive strength is the highest, but bottom slag coarse material replace rate above 80% the compressive strength is relatively low.Color analysis results showed that bottom slag aggregates apply to color concrete, without affecting it’s color rendering.Replace concrete with bottom slag coarse material in the 50% of coarse-grained materials, do not have much effect on concrete strength. This result shows that the incineration bottom slag in raw meal replacing concrete part of the coarse aggregate, specific and feasible and can be played not only waste resource recycling effectiveness, increase reuse of bottom slag incineration utilization, on the sustainable development of domestic environmental resources has on the real value of help.


Incinerator slag Concrete Aggregate


[29]管倖生、童鼎鈞,2002,CIELAB、CMC、BFD、CIE94 色差公式之績效評估-以ABS 塑膠材料為例,設計學報,第7卷,第2期,第23- 46頁。


