  • 學位論文


The Impact of Ad-Self-Congruency on Advertisement Attitude: The Moderating Effect of Self-Esteem

指導教授 : 陳佳誼


廣告一直以來為聯結消費者與產品或品牌間之重要工具,近來的研究指出,廣告與自我的一致性可提升消費者的廣告態度,但過去研究針對理想自我及真實自我一致性的相對效果,從自我一致性及社會比較理論的角度卻有著相反的結論。為整合此研究上的不一致結果,本研究加入自尊為調節變項,主張消費者自尊之高低會影響廣告-自我一致性對廣告態度的效果。為驗證研究假說,本研究進行了一個2(自我一致性:真實自我一致性vs. 理想自我一致性)#westeur024#2(自尊:高自尊vs. 低自尊)。結果顯示,對高自尊的消費者而言,觀賞真實自我一致性的廣告比理想自我一致性的廣告有較高的正面情感反應、廣告喜好、廣告可信度與品牌態度之評價;反之,對低自尊的消費者而言,觀賞理想自我一致性的廣告比真實自我一致性的廣告有較高的正面情感反應、廣告喜好、廣告可信度與品牌態度之評價。


Advertisements have long been an important tool to connect customers and products/brands. Recent research suggests that ad-self-congruency can enhance consumer attitude toward the advertisements. However, contradictory results were concluded on the relative effectiveness of ad-self-congruency for actual and ideal self from the perspective of the self-congruency and the social comparison theories. In order to integrate the inconsistent results, the current study proposes that the level of self-esteem will moderate the impact of ad-self-congruency on consumer attitude toward the advertisements. To test proposed hypotheses, a 2 (self-congruency: actual self versus ideal self) #westeur024# 2 (self-esteem: high versus low) experimental design was employed. The results indicated that consumers with high self-esteem show higher positive emotional responses, advertising appeals, advertising believability, and brand attitude toward actual self-congruency advertising than ideal self-congruency advertising. In contrast, consumers with low self-esteem have higher evaluation on positive emotional responses, advertising appeals, advertising believability, and brand attitude when watching ideal self-congruency advertising than actual self-congruency advertising.


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