  • 學位論文


Benefit or Harm? Service Climate as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Customer Incivility and Negative Work Emotions and Behaviors

指導教授 : 賴鳳儀


服務業的服務人員多被企業要求展現快正面情緒與顧客互動,但並非每個顧客都是友善的。服務人員在服務場域上幾乎每天都會受到顧客不同程度的不文明對待(Sliter et al., 2012),不過礙於工作規範,大多默默忍受,內心的負面情緒過多,引發身心負面影響(Lim & Magley, 2008),甚至採取反生產行為作為回應(Spector & Fox, 2002)。國內關於顧客偏差行為的研究,多著重於明確且高強度的攻擊行為,但較少研究去驗證關於模糊且低強度的攻擊行為,例如不文明行為(incivility)。因此,本研究以職業壓力模式程序為基礎,探討顧客不文明行為對員工工作的負面影響,並檢視團隊層次的服務氣候在其中的調節作用。 本研究以臺灣五大直轄市(新北市、臺北市、桃園市、臺南市、高雄市)具有完善服務訓練的餐廳及旅館為研究對象,為避免共同方法變異的影響,研究採配對問卷進行調查,每家公司發一至二組問卷,一組有效問卷包含一位餐飲部主管配對三到五位直屬的服務人員。研究共回收36組,352份問卷;其中包含主管評量問卷176及員工評量問卷176份。透過統計軟體Mplus進行多層次結構模式分析。研究結果顯示:(1)情緒耗竭在顧客不文明行為對員工不文明行為以及離職傾向關係具中介效果。(2)團隊層次的服務氣候在情緒耗竭在顧客不文明行為對員工不文明行為以及離職傾向關係裡,具有調節作用。當顧客不文明行為越頻繁,且組織服務氣候越高時,反而會加速員工的情緒耗竭。


In service industries, service providers are required to show appropriate emotions toward customers, however, we cannot expect everyone to be naturally kind. Sliter et al. (2012) pointed out that employees frequently experience customers’ uncivil behaviors every day. However, due to organizational regulation control, they can only endure such encounters. As this goes on, the inability to express their negative emotions could lead them to act counterproductively(Spector & Fox, 2002). It may result in physical and psychological symptoms(Lim & Magley, 2008). Therefore, companies should pay great attention to prevent their employees from getting affected by uncivil customers. Previous studies focused on customer deviance that categorized as follow: high-intensity with clear intent to harm the target and less attention on low-intensity with ambiguous deviant behaviors that is incivility. This study is based on an occupational stress process model to understand the impact of customer incivility on employees’ negative work-related behaviors and also to examine service climate as group level of moderation effect on the relationship. This study highlights the surveys that were conducted at restaurants and hotels which has Professional Training Services in five municipalities of Taiwan. In order to avoid common method variance (CMV), paired questionnaires were distributed to first-line service providers, the supervisors. A total of 36 groups responded to the survey conducted which include 176 supervisor other-report questionnaire responses, 176 subordinate self-report questionnaire responses. A total of 352 answered questionnaires were received. Using Mplus, we carried out the multiple linear analyses to conduct the research. The results showed that: emotional exhaustion mediates the relationship between customer incivility towards employee incivility and turnover intention. Besides that, we also obtained results which were totally different from the previous studies. For instance, if an employee experiences customer incivility cases frequently in his workplace and at the same time, having high cognition of service climate, it would result in him experiencing a higher level of emotional exhaustion.




蘇瑩琪(2017)。顧客不文明行為對情緒耗竭之影響:探討知覺主管支持 之調節角色〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2017.00891
