  • 學位論文


VI Index of Safety Evaluation on Concrete Embankment Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle at Kanding Embankment of Donggang River

指導教授 : 王裕民


臺灣四面環海,地形山多平原少,河川坡陡流急,河流沿岸之堤防等水利構造物常受颱風、豪雨、河水之暴漲等外力沖刷侵襲作用,造成堤防鋪面下方產生、變形、下陷與淘空滲砂等破壞,危及河防結構物之安全性,因此水利堤防構造物的維護相當重要,況且堤防重建經費甚鉅。因此,平時如何對堤防構造物定期進行安全評估與正確迅速地檢測出河堤破壞情形,就成為堤防安全檢測時之重要的課題。 研究以東港溪崁頂堤防為研究對象,利用無人飛行載具UAV以低空拍攝堤防照片來獲取堤防外徵資料,比較河堤目視調查法及UAV河堤調查法成果之寬度,其誤差範圍皆小於1公分,其誤差百分比值均在3 %以下,再比較其長度,兩者相差最大為3公分,其誤差百分比值也都在2.5 %以下,故其精度確實可符合安全評估之需求。 以現況河堤安全評估、UAV修正河堤評估與透地雷達檢測評估三種評估方式來進行安全評估,由現況河堤安全評估結果與UAV修正河堤評估結果兩者間之誤差百分比可知,其任意區段之誤差百分比均在為 10 %以下,可見河堤目視調查法與UAV河堤調查法確有其共通的功用,亦可見UAV河堤調查法能有效且準確的取代河堤目視調查法,並獲得一快速且有效之河堤安全評估方法,且研究所提出之UAV修正河堤安全評估法可有效改善河堤安全評估法無法量化之缺點。


Taiwan is surrounded by the ocean and plains less than mountainous terrain. River characteristics are steep channel and rapid velocity. The embankments along the river are often damaged by typhoon and rain gush, leading to deformation, subsidence and seepage under the pavement of embankments. In addition building the flood preventing infrastructure is very costly and maintaining basic flood control capability of embankment was very important subject. Therefore, regular evaluation on the safety of embankments and accurate analysis on the damage level are critical to the maintenances of flood preventing structures. The objective of this study is to analyze the embankment crack of the Donggang River in Southern Taiwan. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) techniques were used to take aerial photographs of the embankment pavement crack. On the other hand, the UAV visual survey method was used to quantify the width and length of the pavement crack of concrete embankments. A comparison between the traditional embankment survey and UAV visual survey method showed that the error of crack width was less than 1 cm and the error percentages were all below 3 %. Moreover, the error of crack length was less than 3 cm and the error percentages were all below 2.5%. The results demonstrated that the UAV visual survey method can be applied to investigate the width and length of embankment crack. The safety evaluations on concrete embankments from traditional embankment survey method, Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) method, and modify UAV embankment survey method were also compared. The results indicated that all error percentages were below 10 %, indicating that the modified UAV embankment survey method is as accurate as the traditional method and GPR. However, the modified UAV embankment survey method is simpler and faster which are not able to be achieved by the other two methods.


13.Cheng, C. C., and Sansalone, M. , 1995,“Determining the minimum crack width that can be detected using the impact-echo method Part 1: Experimental study‚”Materials and Structures, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 74-82.
