  • 學位論文


The Exploration and Analysis of the Operation and Development of B&B in Liuqiu Area.

指導教授 : 劉子利


摘要 學號:N10164002 論文名稱:小琉球民宿經營現況與發展之探討與分析 總頁數:101頁 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系(所)別:休閒運動健康系 畢業時間及摘要別:102學年度第二學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:廖志峯 指導教授:劉子利 博士 論文摘要: 本研究採質性研究方法,旨在探討與分析小琉球民宿的經營現況與發展,研究目的包含一、探討小琉球民宿經營的現況。二、分析小琉球民宿經營的問題與優勢。三、探討小琉球民宿經營方式改變的原因。本研究以半結構化訪談方式,根據文獻擬定出訪談大綱,針對小琉球民宿經營業者、10年內重遊之遊客及政府部門主管人員,取得不同面向對於小琉球近年民宿經營方式之經驗及看法資料。本研究結果與結論如下:一、小琉球民宿經營現況目前呈現出專職、多元的全盛階段,很多民宿已經由第二代接手參與管理。民宿現在扮演著小琉球旅遊平臺角色,遊客在小琉球島上的遊憩行為幾乎由民宿來規劃引導,這現象有別於其他旅遊地。二、小琉球民宿經營的問題在於整體環境損耗,原本的優勢也面臨危機,這些現象應該被正視:民宿缺乏創新、專業及永續觀念,近利的經營模式,觀光發展恐將自食其果。三、小琉球民宿經營方式改變原因兼具正負效應,是轉機同時也是危機:本研究發現最主要的推力是市場競爭、漁業沒落、經營觀念;加上主要拉力如遊客人潮、旅遊風潮及型態、環境條件、政府資源。但在小琉球島型旅遊地區,觀光業者的組織力量配合政府單位的運作,不無可能扭轉「觀光區的自我毀滅理論」的導向。 關鍵詞:小琉球、民宿、民宿經營方式


小琉球 民宿 民宿經營方式


Abstract Student ID:N10164002 Title of Thesis:The Exploration and Analysis of the Operation and Development of B&B in Liuqiu Area. Total Page:101 pages National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Graduate Institule: Department of Recreational Sport and Health Promotion Date of Graduation: june, 2014 Degree Conferred: Master Name of student:Liao Chih-Feng Advisor:Dr. Liou Tzi-Li Abstract: The research adopts qualitative research methodology to explore the service quality of B&B in Liuqiu Area. The purposes of this research include:1. Explore the current management situation of B&B in Liuqiu Area. 2. Analyze the management strengths and problems of B&B in Liuqiu Area. 3. Explore the factors of the of operation method B&B in Liuqiu Area. The research adopted semi-structured interview and drew up the interview outline according literature. From the B&B owners, the governors, and the return travelers within 10 years, the researcher gathered different experience and points of view on the service quality change of B&B in Liuqiu Area in recentyears. The conclusions of the research are as follows: 1. The current management situation of B&B in Liuqiu Area is on the professional and various heyday. Many B&B have been managed by the second generation. And the recreational behaviors of the travelers are planed and guided almost totally by B&B in Liuqiu Area, which is different from other travel spots. 2. The main problem of the management of B&B in Liuqiu Area is the environment damage. Now the original environment strengths are facing crisis. Most B&B deem profit as the management priority, lacking innovative and professional ideas, which might cause negative impact on the tourism development. 3. The change factors of the operation and development of B&B in Liuqiu Area have both positive and negative effects, which might be a turning point as well as a crisis. The research finds out that the positive factors include market competition, fishery, and management idea. On the other hand, the negative factors include travel demand, travel trend and types, environmental conditions, and governmental resources. However, in an island tourism spot such as Liuqiu Area, under the cooperation of the organizing power of the tourism industries and the operation of the government unit, it is possible to stultify the outcome of the self-destruct theory of tourism. Keyword:Liuqiu, B&B, B&B operation method


Liuqiu B&B B&B operation method


林士彥、許世藝、 張良漢、徐秀珍(2006)。運動休閒餐旅研究-旅遊地生命週期模式運用在鹿港觀光發展之研究。品度股份有限公司發行,1(3),1-20。


林士豐(2016)。民宿經營策略之研究 - 以小琉球南洋渡假海景莊園為例〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0320597
