  • 學位論文


Research of the Impact and Strategy of Developing Ecotourism of Aboriginal Tribe –Case of Chunrih Tribe

指導教授 : 段兆麟


本研究主要目的旨在探討原住民春日鄉部落發展生態旅遊之衝擊與對策之現況、差異、相關及預測情形,並依據研究發現提出建議事宜。本研究採量化研究之問卷調查為研究工具,以春日鄉部落居民與遊客為研究對象,問卷共計發出530份,回收問卷510份,總回收率為96.2%;有效問卷501份,無效問卷19份,有效問卷率為98.2%。資料處理分析以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數、皮爾遜積差相關、迴歸分析等統計方法。本研究結果歸納如下: 一、春日鄉部落發展生態旅遊之衝擊與對策的現況均屬中高度。 二、春日鄉部落發展生態旅遊之衝擊與對策不同背景變項,除了年齡對經濟衝擊有顯著差異外,其餘變項包括性別、教育程度、職業、社經背景、資訊來源、旅遊動機等對四個層面並沒有顯著差異情形。 三、春日鄉部落發展生態旅遊之衝擊與對策之經濟衝擊、環境衝擊、社會文化衝擊、發展策略等四個層面均有顯著正相關。 四、春日鄉部落之不同背景變項,其對經濟衝擊、環境衝擊、社會文化衝擊、發展策略等四個層面之研究假設沒有顯著差異。 五、春日鄉部落發展生態旅遊之衝擊與對策以經濟衝擊、環境衝擊、社會文化衝擊、發展策略等四個層面均具有預測作用。


This study aims to investigate into the impacts of developing eco-tourism on the aboriginal tribes in Chunrih Township, the strategies to cope with those impacts, and the differences between projected and actual outcomes and derives suggestions from research findings. This study primarily uses the questionnaires as a research tool for quantitative research and considers aboriginal residents and tourists in Chunrih Township as research subjects. This study issues a total of 530 questionnaires, 510 of which are recovered. Recovery rate is therefore 96.2%. However, only 501 questionnaires are effective and 19 are ineffective. The effective recovery rate is therefore 98.2%. Descriptive statistics, the Independent-Samples T Test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation and Scheffe-test and stepwise multiple regression analysis are employed for data processing and analysis. The following conclusions can be derived from research findings: 1. The impacts of developing eco-tourism on tribes in Chunrih Township are pretty large, and the strategies to cope with those impacts are somewhere in the middle of development. 2. Among the background variants for the impacts of developing eco-tourism on tribes in Chunrih Township and the strategies to cope with those impacts, except for the significant influence of age on the economy, others like genders, education levels, socio-economic backgrounds (residences), source of eco-tourism information, and eco-tourism motivations have no significant influences on the economy, the environment, the cultures, and the development strategies. 3. The impacts of developing eco-tourism on tribes in Chunrih Township and the strategies to cope with those impacts are positively correlated with the economy, the environment, the cultures, and the development strategies. 4. The background variants of tribes in Chunrih Township have no significant influences on the economy, the environment, the cultures, and the development strategies. 5. The impacts of developing eco-tourism on tribes in Chunrih Township and the strategies to cope with those impacts can be used to predict the economy, the environment, the cultures, and the development strategies.


