  • 學位論文

「場次之間」–國立自然科學博物館館藏品之 衍生商品設計創作

「Events In-between」–The Design of Derived Products of NMNS’ Collection

指導教授 : 高惠瓊


台中國立自科學博物館開館至今(以下簡稱科博館),參觀人次為台灣博物館之首。展示內容非常豐富且適合各年齡層的觀眾參觀。但其紀念商品店商品與館藏特色關連性不高,且自行開發者甚少,但博物館館藏之衍生商品是觀眾博物館經驗中十分重要的一環,同時也是行銷利器。由於創作者曾有數年於科博館之工作經驗,一直覺得這是個值得探討的議題,並藉此為模擬開發衍生商品的可能。 本創作由文獻探討及深度訪談資料,科博館紀念商品店因消費者定位於中小學生,商品多為低價位,300元以上者甚少。又發現科博館紀念商品店有著潛在消費群。值得對其開發相關商品,這個族群教育程度為大專,年齡約18–35歲之間女性比男性多一倍,可支配之零用金約3000–7000元。因此以這個族群做為本創作之消費群與定價的依據。 另外,依訪談資料析出館藏最具代表性或最受歡迎之展品,經彙整發現其均與滅絕或瀕臨絕種等珍稀性物種相關,因此,決定以這些做為衍生商品之基礎,並依博物館「時間性」之特徵,以「場次之間」為創作命題,並比喻地球生態如戲劇幕次之上、下場,結合科博館重視自然的目標,藉已滅絕之生物為「塵封歲月的印記」系列;和瀕臨絕種且加上台灣特有之物種為「彩霞餘暉的呼喚」系列,兩大主軸以宣揚保育生態的概念,同時也暗喻現存物種未來將何去何從?再就消費群定位之生活品味,進行商品研發。目前雖為樣品試作,但仍朝量產的可能發想,透過陶瓷、壓克力、木質、紙質等素材之應用,以及單一系列委託廠商進行科博館紀念商品店等樣品試賣,成果頗佳。 就整體創作設計而言,從訪談中得到經營者與廠商對議題的認同,但因紀念商品店為員工合作社,以非營利為目的的限制,衍生商品有其困難度,但發展紀念商品仍大有空間。不過,商品化需要慎密的市場調查,以及成本估算,這是日後創作者長時間得學習的課題。但經本次之創作經驗與各方面專家之訪談得到豐碩的成果,僅供相關議題之研究與設計者參考。


National Museum of Natural Science (NMNS) has had the highest attendance ince it opened to the public and its exhibitions are very diverse and for all ages. souvenirs sold within the museum seem have no relevance with the objects exhibited in NMNS. Most of the items on sale are not at all designed or developed by the museum. Souvenirs that are replicated from the exhibits themselves are not only great marketing tools but also help create a wonderful experience for visitors. In addition, after numerous pre-interview conversations and a thorough review of related literature, it seems as though the main customers are students between grades 6-9 and popular souvenirs are often priced as low as 300 NTD. Potential customers are aged between 18-34 years old and ave a university educational level, They typically spend 3000-7000 NTD, and females show twice as much interest in buying souvenirs than males. Those facts provide a base for pricing strategy And finally, after analyzing the interview findings, the most significant and popular objects are extinct and endangered species. Therefore, this kind of design attracts customers the most., "museum timeliness " as characteristic, " Events In-between "as main concept and combine museum ambition "protecting natural environment" and finally create "Sealing the past " and "Recall rosy clouds " series. " Sealing the past " is a set of specialized souvenirs that dipict extinct animals, while "Recall Rosy Clouds is another set for endangered animals. Considering the target customers lifestyle and taste, pricing is situated between 300-1000NTD. For now, the chosen materials differ, including pottery, acrylic, wood, paper…etc. but we receive good reputation from sample selling. Overall, museum shop proprietors and souvenir suppliers both show interested to this issue, and as a non-profit organization, the museum shop was limited to producing souvenirs. Even though there is still chance for developing objected-based souvenirs. Commodification is a time-consuming task which requires careful market research and cost calculation. The positive result influenced by the design is for the reference of related research.


museum museum shop derived products


