  • 學位論文


The Creative Work and Study of Fretwork Design with Taiwan Images

指導教授 : 蔡綺


本研究旨在探討臺灣意象應用於鏤空藝術之創作,以具臺灣意象之圖像結合鏤空藝術,呈現光影效果。臺灣意象可透過自然、人文、社會、建築,與各階段歷史背景產生。本研究以臺灣印象地圖與臺灣民眾票選之代表意象作為此次創作之主軸,透過中國傳統哲學與美學範疇中的鏤空藝術,經由視覺圖像連結藝術內涵等相關文獻探討,除了解鏤空藝術歷史背景、文化價值,圖像影響人類的認知心理及視覺經驗外,並由鏤空藝術的虛實相生的視覺變化達到藝術中更高的領域。希望能提昇民眾對臺灣意象的認同,並藉此探索臺灣歷史的文化現象、流行思潮與審美觀,期能運用設計歷史資源,塑造屬於臺灣的設計文化特色。 鏤空藝術的創作包含各種不同材質技法及類別,如剪紙藝術、皮影戲、木雕花窗、現代設計,等通常運用多樣媒材,利用剪、刻劃、雷射雕花等手法呈現,其內涵大多強調中國古老哲學中虛實交替的表現,最能體現陰陽相依的中國哲學,若運用在商品設計上,除強調功能取向外,更能帶給觀者不同的視覺經驗,此種傳統藝術與新生媒材的互相融合,往往能給觀眾帶來驚艷的感受。 研究臺灣意象與鏤空藝術對從事工藝美術與設計者而言,能提供許多靈感,透過現代材質的加入,更能夠呈現現代設計全新的風格,是傳統韻味與現代風格的完美整合,若運用於文化創意商品設計上,宣傳臺灣意象特色,將能產生趣味性的視覺效果,為現代人抒發壓力,藉由虛實的光影變化,為環境裝飾氛圍,帶來愉悅舒適的室內空間。 本創作目的主要為以下三點: (一)探討臺灣的本土意象、多元文化、臺灣特有種、臺灣風貌,並整理出臺灣代表意象,作為日後設計臺灣意象文創商品之參考。 (二)探討鏤空藝術文化的淵源及應用,了解鏤空藝術圖案中尋求中國虛實相生的陰陽概念。了解鏤空藝術的風格形式與內在意涵。 (三)運用新材質,藉由臺灣意象圖像表徵與鏤空光影藝術為議題,創作出能掌握氣氛,營造光影虛實變化之燈飾,落實推廣臺灣意象之理念。


This study would mainly base on using Taiwan Images in fretwork design, and the lighting effects are made of Taiwan image and fretwork design. By nature, culture, society, architecture, and history present Taiwan images. The main idea of the study came from a poll by Taiwanese to present what Taiwan image is. To realize the history and value of fretwork design is through a form of traditional Chinese philosophy and aesthetics; visual image would connect with references, such as art connotation. Image would affect people’s cognitive psychology and visual experience; moreover, the visual change is that fretwork of the combination of the virtual and real presenting in order to get a higher class. Fretwork would likely to promote the identification of Taiwan images by the cultural phenomenon of Taiwanese history, the thoughts of fashion, and sense of beauty. Therefore, I expect that using these history resources to make the cultural characteristics of Taiwan design. The creation of fretwork comprises variety materials, skills, and types, such as Paper Cutting Art, the Shadow Play, Ornamental Engraving made by wooden, and modern design. Using cutting, curving and lasing has demonstrated the ancient traditional Chinese philosophy of combination of the virtual and real presenting and the Chinese philosophy of Yingyang interdependence. Hence, it would be used in product design to emphasize what the function is and bring an incredible visual experience to audience. The combination of traditional art and novel materials must be gorgeous to people. As a designer who works for craft art, studying Taiwan images and fretwork could offer plenty of inspiration. Also, by adding modern material, it combines with ancient and modern to present the style of modern design. Then, applying in cultural and creative industries design would promote Taiwan images and generate the interesting visual effects. Besides, a pleasure and comfortable interior space is likely to relieve people’s pressure with a circumstance of lighting effects. There are three purposes in the study: (1) To research in Taiwan images, multicultural, Taiwan endemic species and scenery organizes what the Taiwan images are. Then, be references for cultural and creative industries design in the future. (2) To research the origin and application of fretwork could realize the concept of Chinese philosophy of Yingyang and understand the inside and outside meaning of fretwork. (3) Using novel material creates lights which could make atmosphere and combine with the virtual and real to promote by the issues of Taiwan images and the lighting art of fretwork.




