  • 學位論文


Dream of Libido-The Creations of Nude Photography

指導教授 : 鄭正清


簡•索德克(Jan Saudek)曾說:「裸體(nude)是一種觸發對自由的嚮往,對純淨的回歸與生的反省的最好的素材。」當人體攝影慢慢地被世人所接受,而不再是為了情色慾求而建構出來的影像時,不單是為了提昇藝術的本質,也是另一種人類的心靈發聲媒介。然而,裸體影像中最直接的明喻,就是「性」,它可以是性別的區分,也可以是一種內在、外在的慾求表現。選定「原慾之夢」作為創作主題,正是希望藉攝影這樣的發聲媒介,以訴說與被訴說的雙重身分,來詮釋個人情感世界的情緒與衝動,透過鏡頭語言的表現下,讓原我(id)獲得抒發與自省。 本創作目的為:1. 藉由超現實與編導式攝影的創作風格以及數位影像的後製表現,呈現自我潛意識與情慾的影像幻想與空間想像,開拓影像創作的新世界。2. 透過內在慾求及省視,投射於人體攝影的豐富肢體語言,與鏡頭語言表現,在創作過程中,獲得自省與療癒的作用,釋放潛意識受壓抑的原慾(libido),進而昇華為正向的能量。透過本創作者研究,發現投射於攝影鏡頭前的情慾表現,昇華了本創作者內心的原慾寫照,失序人格的把關與釋放,夢境盤旋在半真實半虛假的編導與超現實主義的領空上。而線性之創作的五個系列:探尋→結合→衝突→分離→昇華;講述人格對於原慾的釋放與原慾昇華後的精神價值,在面對情感的碰撞與摩擦後,都試圖放下重擔的枷鎖,渴望獲得一個昇華的自我(ego)。


Jan Saudek has said, “Nude” triggers the aspiration of freedom, and it is the best element for returning to the purity and the introspection of life. While the Nude Photography is accepted gradually by the universe, it is just not the image constructed by the sexual desire. The Nude Photography becomes another transmitter of our spirit, but also to raise the essence of the art. However, the most direct implication of the Nude Photography is sex. It can be the distinction of the gender, but also the expression of the intrinsic and extrinsic desire. The motive of creating “The dream of the libido” is to interpret the emotions and conflicts generated in the individual emotional world by the dual identities of teller and listener created by the expression of photography. Under the illustration of the camera lens, the libido obtains release and introspection. The objectives of the creation are: 1) Expressing the illusion and the imagination from the unconsciousness and desires by the creation concept of Fabricated Photography, Surrealistic Photography, and the post-production of digital image in order to create a new perspective for the Photography creations. 2) The intrinsic desire and inspection projecting on the abundant body language of the Nude Photography and the expression of camera lens obtain the functions of introspection and cure. The oppressive libido of the unconsciousness is released and sublimated to a positive energy. The creator discovers the expression of desires in front of the camera lens sublimates the libido of the creator, the supervision and the release of the disordered personality, and the dream spiraling between the semi-real and semi-unreal from Fabricated Photography and Surrealistic Photography. The linear creation comprises five parts: Exploration→Combination→Collision→Separation→Sublimation. The creation describes the release of the libido and the mental value after the sublimation. While facing the collision of emotions, it is attempted to remove the lock of the burden for the sake of obtaining a sublimated ego.


