  • 學位論文


《Changes at Night》Picture Book Creation and Study for Children’s Fear Emotion of the dark

指導教授 : 詹玉艷


恐懼是人類的原生情緒之一,而大部分的兒童2歲時就會開始對黑暗產生恐懼,恐懼感將隨著年紀逐漸加強,直到學齡階段才會逐漸下降。兒童時期是奠定心理健康的關鍵,若不及早協助孩童減緩對黑暗的恐懼,恐怕會影響身心靈發展,甚至影響日常生活,形成黑暗恐懼症的心理疾病。 繪本是協助兒童減緩黑暗恐懼很好的一個媒介,因此本創作研究目的將透過相關文獻探討,並針對繪本圖像傳達進行文本分析,做為創作參考依據,最後再以問卷調查法檢測本研究創作,期盼此研究創作能夠在內容設計及圖像傳達上有效表現兒童恐懼黑暗情緒之主題。 本研究創作《晚上的家一樣不一樣》創作步驟依序為故事發想,擬定文字腳本、角色造型設定、版型規劃與分鏡構圖、上色風格測試、紙質測試、光影氛圍模擬、精稿繪製,最後再以電腦後製排版完稿,尺寸規格設定為23.3x21公分,頁數共40頁。 將完成繪本對臺中市南屯區十名一年級學童進行「兒童恐懼黑暗情緒」後測,以檢測本研究創作是否符合兒童對黑暗恐懼的認知。據問卷調查結果顯示,90%的學童皆表示故事內容、圖像跟黑暗恐懼相關,並有效減緩對於黑暗恐懼的情緒,驗證了本研究創作符合兒童恐懼黑暗情緒之主題。


Fear is one of the original emotions of mankind. Most of the children will begin to fear the darkness when they are 2 years old. The fear will increase with age and will not gradually decline until school age . Childhood is the key to establish the mental health. If we don’t help children ease up the fear of the dark early, it will affect the development of physical and mental health and even impact on children’s daily life that lead to mental disorders named Nyctophobia.   The picture book is one of good medium to help children ease up dark fears. Therefore, the purpose of this study was created through literature review, and to do Contextual analysis for image expression of picture books, as a creative reference. Finally, the questionnaire was used to survey this research. It’s expexted that the study and creation will be able to effectively express the theme of children's fear emotions of the dark on content and image expression.   The creative steps are: story conceiving, text script writing, role modeling setting, version planning, storyboard composition, color style and paper material test, light and shadow simulating, fine artwork drawing, and finishing the creation by computer. The size set to 23.3x21 cm, and a total of 40 pages.   In order to test whether the study and creation fit children's perception for dark fear or not, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 10 first grade students in Nantun District, Taichung City after completing the picture book. According to the results of the questionnaire, 90% of the students said that the story content and images are related to dark fear, and effectively ease up the fear emotion for the dark. This study was designed to meet the theme of children's fear of dark emotions.


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