  • 學位論文


A Study for Visual Identification of Republic of China Air Force

指導教授 : 林盛宏


國家戰爭之時,為能求得生存及避免異文化的侵略,軍民整個為一體,互相合作與幫助,國家與軍人所有的作為幾乎受到百姓的支持與認同;現代戰事已經減少,逐步邁向和平之路,然而還是必須維持某一程度的軍事力量,以保障國家安全。在沒有戰爭的環境中,軍人與百姓之間已經漸漸開始產生鴻溝,畢竟國家與軍人的作為在整個社會沒有動亂存在時,不見得會受到支持,若要扭轉形象推動相關政務則宣導傳達不可免除,而形象的建立也勢在必行。國內社會近年常舉辦各項國際型的大型活動及各地方性的節慶活動,廣泛推廣相關的視覺識別宣傳,以達到提升都會與地方的形象,來凝聚人氣的支持並增加資金收入,因此視覺識別成為活動支持的傳播媒介,活動所帶來的效應也讓中央政府各單位對於視覺形象建立的重視頗有好感與遵循強化。 所以,國防部亦效法如此方式來提升民眾的國防知識、國軍形象與因應募兵政策。我國空軍大部分是需要以招募的方式來補充兵員為主的科技軍種,也配合推動「全民國防」營區開放活動,來提升相關形象或宣導,以期達到百姓對於空軍的支持與認同。然而,空軍在三軍之中是最早有多樣、活潑的視覺識別,但是本身卻無積極的視覺形象規劃作為,在宣傳時卻又必須仰賴與使用各單位的視覺符號來推廣,若要持續讓百姓得到支持與認同,空軍的視覺形象,實在有深入探討之必要。 本研究透過文獻分析法與比較分析法來探究,空軍原本視覺識別是如何發展出來,其各式隊徽的視覺符號是如何組成,符號的使用要素有哪些種類,造形圖像的表現方式是有其歷史因素存在的,而歸納結論如下: (1)空軍主要視覺識別為各部隊徽章,其構成元素為動物居多,尤以鷹類為首,其次則是使用大自然的符號,再來是使用人造物件的符號。空軍的精神文化並沒有被完整表現出來。 (2)空軍早年完全承襲美國空軍的視覺識別習慣,對於視覺符號的造形表現較偏向寫實式的造形圖像,但對於現代化社會的傳播習慣,簡化圖像是勢必而為。 (3)空軍部隊的組織架構嚴密,團體特徵明顯,但視覺識別的表現方式與美國空軍有顯著的差異性,可看出缺乏了同一性與系統性。 (4)空軍在設計隊徽之初,因為歷史因素及文化影響關係,缺乏符號轉換的深層思考,導致造形表現與組成比較屬西式風格居多,無法展現我國固有的文化特色。 希望藉由本研究相關的整理分析與探討結果,爾後對於軍事領域中的視覺傳達設計部分,能提供有價值的參考資料。


During national war soldiers and civilians cooperate and help each other for survival and avoiding different cultural aggression. The public who support and agree with everything what country and military men do. The war already reduced now and advances to road of gradually the peace but still need to maintain the military force that protect national security. However soldiers and civilians who already gradually started to have the gap with no national war happened. People don’t support country and military men when the entire society has no turmoil. They have to change image and build it to promote government affairs. We almost have lot of international activities and local festivals those years. It shows not only how special of the city and country but also promote hardly about visual identification to improve image、popularity collection and increase income. So visual identification become a vector of communication to support activities. The effects of festivals that influence Government follow the trend to build their image strongly. Especially Ministry of National Defense follow the trend to improve populace understanding national defense、 promote the image of the military and for recruitment policy. Most air force man belong to the military of science and technology who need to recruitment, they also open their gate to popularize all-out defense. It all about improve their image. Air force has the earliest cute and different kind of visual identification. Although they know how important about it but they don’t have any good idea about visual identification design. Otherwise their guidance also needs to use symbol to promote. It must to explore the situation of visual identification in air force that let people continue supported and recognized. The study use literature review and comparative method to explore how develop of original visual identification in air force. How many different kind of visual symbol of troop’s emblem to consist with? How many using factor of symbol? All of historic factor for display of shape image. To inductive and make conclude: (1)The main visual identification for air force is the each of troop’s emblem. Animals Are the main visual factor especially eagle, national symbol is the second then man-made thing symbol. But it didn’t show all of energetic culture of air force. (2)Our visual identification in air force all from USA air force. They use realistic shape image to show. However Simplified image have to do for dissemination custom of modernized society. (3)The construct of air force that show group characteristic clearly but it difference with USA air force. It lack of sameness and systematicness. (4)Because historic and cultural factors so the beginning of troop’s emblem designs of air force that are lack of deep thinking about symbol changing. It cause shape image shows western style and no more traditional special of Chinese culture. The study hopes that analysis and conclusion can provide some valuable reference data for visual communication design in military field.


‧八卷俊雄 著,編輯部 編譯,1988,企業形象戰略,藝風堂出版社,台北。
