  • 學位論文


The effect of need for uniqueness on consumer decision making

指導教授 : 吳佩勳


消費者選擇領域中的研究已經提出極端趨避(extremeness aversion)及維持現狀偏誤(status quo bias)兩個頗為穩定的理論,這兩個理論均是推導自損失趨避(loss aversion)的原則。基於損失趨避的理論,當消費者的獨特性需求較低者,將會把損失看的比獲得還要重要,因此較會產生損失趨避的行為,而獨特性需求較高者,會把獲得看的比損失還要重要,因此比較不會產生損失趨避的行為,所以提出獨特性需求對極端趨避及維持現狀偏誤的假說。另外,本研究更深入探討獨特性需求對多樣化蒐尋行為的影響。主要基於獨特性需求較低者,在面對需一次選擇未來多天所要使用的商品時,容易對未來的事物產生不明確的行為,因此將會提高多樣化蒐尋的程度,藉此提出獨特性需求對多樣化蒐尋行為的假說。   實驗一論證消費者獨特性需求對極端趨避有顯著的影響,低獨特性需求的消費者可以明顯觀察到極端趨避的現象(選擇中價選項的比例顯著高於高價及低價選項),然而對於高獨特性需求的消費者則無法觀察到極端趨避的現象(選擇高價選項的比例顯著高於中價及低價選項)。   實驗二論證消費者獨特性需求對維持現狀偏誤有顯著的影響,低獨特性需求的消費者可以明顯觀察到維持現狀偏誤的現象(維持現有方案的比例高於更換到新方案的比例),然而對於高獨特需求的消費者無法觀察到維持現狀偏誤的現象(更換到新方案的比例高於維持現有方案的比例)。   實驗三論證消費者獨特性需求對多樣化蒐尋行為有顯著的影響,低獨特性需求的消費者其產生多樣化蒐尋行為的表現顯著高於高獨特性需求的消費者,而當消費者具有高獨特性需求時,其多樣化蒐尋程度反而較低。


Recent decision research has found the presence of the extremeness aversion and status quo bias in choice. The extremeness aversion and status quo bias are derived from loss aversion. The principle of loss aversion points out that more weights will be placed on disadvantages(losses)than on the corresponding advantages (gains).In this context, extremeness aversion refers that, all else being equal, an option with relatively more extreme values tends to be viewed as less attractive over an equivalent option with moderate values. The status quo bias demonstrates that individuals have a tendency to overweight the status quo. Based on the inference that consumer with high need for uniqueness will more emphasize on advantage(gains) than on the corresponding disadvantages(losses), the present research demonstrates that the extremeness aversion and status quo bias are the functions of consumers’ need for uniqueness. In addition, based on the inference that consumers with high need for uniqueness tend to be risk-taking and consumers with low need for uniqueness tend to be risk-taking, the present research also demonstrates that the variety seeking behavior is a function of consumers’ need for uniqueness.   Study 1 demonstrates the effect of consumers’ need for uniqueness on extremeness aversion. The extremeness aversion occurs when consumers are of low need for uniqueness(the proportion of choosing the middle priced option will be higher than the proportion of choosing the low priced and high priced options), but doesnot occar when consumers are of high need for uniqueness(the proportion of choosing the high priced options will be higher than the proportion of choosing the low priced and middle priced options).   Study 2 demonstrates the effect of consumers’ need for uniqueness on status quo bias. The status quo bias can is present in the condition of consumers with low need for uniqueness(the proportion of un-switching to new alternative will be higher than the proportion of switching to new alternative), but absent in the condition of consumers with high need for uniqueness(the proportion of switching to new alternative will be higher than the proportion of un-switching to new alternative).   Study 3 demonstrates that the effect of consumers’ need for uniqueness on variety seeking behavior. The extent of variety seeking in the condition of consumers with low need for uniqueness is higher than that in the condition of consumers with high need for uniqueness.


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