  • 學位論文


Case Study of the Desire, Identification and Consumption Culture of Contemporary Bridal Image in Taiwan

指導教授 : 鄭正清


台灣當代對婚紗攝影業者為創造市場需求,將婚紗攝影的服務由傳統的婚紗照,提昇至整合行銷層面,加上當今數位科技與網路傳播的發達,使婚紗攝影的意義與內涵不斷地衍生、改變。婚紗攝影是台灣獨特的消費文化,然而關於婚紗攝影與婚紗影像的學術論述卻是貧乏的,這樣行之多年被視為理所的當然的消費現象,其形成與發展的過程是值得探究的。 本研究旨在揭露台灣當代婚紗影像的形成,其中牽涉到新人、婚紗產業、社會氛圍與技術發展,是一種主、客體與社會互動的結構。研究方法採紮根理論、深度訪談方式進行。研究問題聚焦個案新人對於婚紗影像的慾望、認同與婚紗影像消費文化之形成。研究發現: 一、在婚紗影像消費的初期,新人已經奠定了對婚紗影像的慾望,慾望源於「個人的慾望需求」、「慾望他者的慾望」、「社會的文化價值觀」;影響新人慾望決策的關鍵有四:「人際網絡」、「接觸業者」、「網路資訊」、「婚紗展示」,其中人際網絡最為重要。 二、婚紗影像的認同在於新人消費體驗「投入、處理、輸出」的過程中,新人的想法和業者的經驗彼此交流融合,達成新人對影像的自我期許、感覺有不同於他人的價值、受到他人的肯定與支持。 三、婚紗影像的消費文化形成是婚紗產業能與新人共創需求,透過婚紗產業團隊-造形師、禮服師、攝影師等多方的想法,把每年的流行元素帶入,並與新人反覆交流融合,再經由網路與媒體傳播,帶動一種多元與互動環結,形成永續依存的婚紗影像消費文化。


婚紗產業 婚紗攝影 慾望 認同 消費文化


Demand for bridal photography in contemporary Taiwan, the bridal photography companies’ ability in creating market demand. They have enhanced the bridal photography service from the traditional photo-taking to a level that incorporates marketing. With the advancement of digital technology and network communication in recent years, the meaning and implication of bridal photography has experienced continuous evolution and change. Bridal photography is a unique consumption culture in Taiwan, but academic discussion about bridal photography and bridal image seems lacking. The formation and development of this long-established and unchallenged consumption phenomenon are worth studying. The study aims at revealing the formation of the contemporary bridal image of Taiwan, which involves the marrying couples, bridal photography industry, social atmosphere and technology development. Grounded theory and in-depth interview were adopted as the research methods. Ten marrying couples, two photographers and one planning manager were interviewed. Questions focused on the couples’ desire for and indentification of bridal image, and the formation of the bridal image consumption culture. The study found that: 1. At the initial stage of bridal image consumption, the marrying couples have already established their desire for the bridal image. The desire originates from “personal desire and demand”, “desire for other’s desire” and “social and cultural value”. The four critical factors that affect the marrying couples’ desire decision are: “interpersonal network”, “contact with the industry”, “Internet information” and “bridal gown on display”, with interpersonal network as the most important factor. 2. For indentification of the bridal image, the marrying couples’ idea and the bridal photography company’s experience exchange and integrate during the “input, processing and output” process of the consumption experience. Through this experience, the couples would find out their self-expectation and feeling for the image which may be different from others’ value, and which would be affirmed and supported by others. 3. The bridal image consumption culture is formed by the demand jointly created by the bridal photography industry and the marrying couples. The bridal photography team: image designer, gown master, photographer, etc. offer multifaceted ideas, bringing in fashionable elements from the year’s trend, and undergo repeated exchange and integration of ideas with the couples. This is then communicated through the network and media, to bring along a multi-dimensional and interactive link that creates the sustainable and interdependent bridal image consumption culture.


