  • 學位論文


Practice of Creative Text :A Study of Contemporary Adult’s Illustrated Books and the Concept of Illustrization Marketing

指導教授 : 連德仁


隨著社會文化的變遷、商業資本主義的高揚與大眾傳播媒體的勃興,當代大眾文化消費的能力因此提升,並嚮往圖像世界的生動有趣。其中,成人繪本因其新穎和具娛樂性的特質,不僅刺激出版市場汰舊換新的風氣,更影響了閱聽人流行閱讀的品味。近幾年,由於幾米帶動的繪本風潮,閱讀繪本已不再是兒童的專利。事實上,成人繪本不僅掀起一波以情感為導向的設計風潮,更直接促成現今日常生活美學化現象。廣受大眾好評的成人繪本創作,也逐漸以多元文本的形式發行並銷售,這不僅代表著新的設計商機,更映現出受後現代文化影響之時代特徵。本研究即針對當代成人繪本創意引領之繪本化行銷趨勢做一探究,試圖瞭解成人繪本創作的深層意涵與其文化認知。 另一方面,本研究是以圖像文化衍生之成人繪本創作為探討基礎,析論當代文化消費與多元文本開發之流行趨向,又進一步發現本研究自創名詞「繪本化行銷」一概念衍生之創新策略與手法。主要研究動機在於瞭解:第一,當代成人繪本創作之演進及其文化意涵;第二,後現代消費意識運作下的當代成人繪本創作產物和閱聽人反應;第三,成人繪本創作衍生之多元文本流行化解析與歸納,並瞭解繪本化行銷之競爭優勢,評估日後發展之可行性。 後現代意識的多元性,導致圖像文化誕生和視覺消費時代來臨,其中炙手可熱的成人繪本創作不但打破兒童和成人閱讀圖畫書的限宥、跨越文化和種族的區隔,同時也創造了文學與藝術結合的無限價值。有鑑於此,本研究即以創意和文化、文化和消費、消費和行銷四者間的關係為基調論述,並藉此探究成人繪本與繪本化行銷結合之流行視野,所預期之目的為:(一)綜觀「讀圖時代」下之圖文傳播歷程,瞭解成人繪本在台灣的基本發展背景,而後探討當代成人繪本元素應用對於文學與設計深層之美感創新;(二)以詮釋學、敘事學和讀者反應理論之論點為本研究之哲學中心思想背景,並解析當代繪本化熱潮應用於各類文本所造成之形式重於內容的優勢與劣勢;(三)從後現代消費意識與美感經驗析論當代成人繪本創作產物和閱聽人反應,希冀以此做為多元文本開發之思維模式和創新策略;(四)解讀成人繪本創作衍生之多元文本價值競爭力,瞭解繪本化行銷導入產業之發展契機,並進行效益評估。 本研究採用文獻分析法、文本分析法以及深度訪談法為主要研究方法,係透過相關文獻與理論彙整,達到以設計、文化和消費三個層面解析成人繪本創作所代表的時代象徵和意涵。準此,在主題的擴展上,共分為五個章節論述。第一章是「讀圖時代」於後現代思潮下之社會定位與文化反思。本章共分五小節,包括研究背景、研究動機與目的、研究範圍與限制、名詞釋義與研究方法。這是概括性的描述,主要是探討受後現代主義氛圍影響之圖像文化流行現象和受後現代意識啟迪之日常生活美學化趨勢。此外,本章也針對當代圖像文化風行之特性與價值做一分析,解讀圖文革命衝擊下之差異與實踐歷程。 第二章著重於圖文傳播導引當代成人繪本創作之美感創新與文化視野,以瞭解成人繪本創作於後現代思潮下之象徵意涵與特質為主軸,並深入探討「讀圖時代」的文化脈絡和社會脈動。本章共分三小節。第一節,成人繪本創作引領下之文化底蘊與象徵意涵,此部份又分為兩方面探究:(一)成人繪本創作之發展與沿革;(二)成人繪本創作之社會文化意義與思維特質。第二節,成人繪本創作映現之流行現況與時代表徵,由兩部份進行分析:(一)席捲全球之成人繪本創作熱潮;(二)成人繪本創作產物形式歸納與探討。第三節為成人繪本創作蘊含之感知意義與深層意象,重點在於:(一)成人繪本創作者之心境詮釋與作品賞析;(二)成人繪本創作對藝術設計的影響力。 第三章為當代成人繪本創作結合文學理論之新風貌呈現,欲以廣泛的文本概念解析當代成人繪本創作對社會文化的文本效應與結構,並進一步闡明其美學精髓。本章共分三小節。第一節,以敘事手法解析當代成人繪本創作之文本要義:(一)成人繪本創作的敘事結構與閱讀效應;(二)成人繪本創作的故事刻畫與文化累積。第二節,經詮釋思路探討當代成人繪本創作之文本精神:(一)成人繪本創作的理解概念與文化再現;(二)成人繪本創作的哲學經驗與美學體驗。第三節,由讀者反應解讀當代成人繪本創作之文本內涵:(一)成人繪本創作的文本傳達與閱聽人接收展現;(二)成人繪本創作的主客體觀點解讀與評析。 第四章以成人繪本創作與繪本化行銷結合之多元文本流行風尚為主軸,細分為三小節。第一節,以成人繪本創作之於文化消費的影響與發展為探討方向,並提出(一)以讀者為中心之後現代新興消費走向;(二)後現代消費意識運作下的美學商品價值,藉此明瞭閱聽人做為消費者時的心理因素和消費行為。第二節,成人繪本創作之於「繪本化行銷」的創新思維與發展契機,目的在於瞭解成人繪本創作隱含之文化素養與象徵意涵,以及繪本化行銷概念的呈現手法。第三節為多元文本創意開發衍生之「繪本化行銷」效益評估與未來願景,主要是以實際的案例剖析繪本化行銷之未來願景與市場潛力,並深入評估其品牌形象塑造與經營之可行性契機。整體而言,「繪本化行銷」概念是一個嶄新的行銷模式,目的是將「繪本化」之精髓導入行銷領域中,建構出符合企業或個人推廣產品的獨特手法。 經由本研究的分析,當代成人繪本與繪本化行銷做為創意文本的實踐,與整體的社會文化背景有著密不可分的關連。這不僅代表著尊重多元與強調差異的時代來臨,且具解構性的視覺影像也趁勢興起。而在設計當道的時代氛圍中,成人繪本無形地內在思維已進入閱聽人的內心,形成以大眾文化為載體的流行本質。最後,本研究以共創文化帶領潮流之繪本化行銷未來影響力做為總結,希望透過繪本化行銷概念的提出,有助於台灣各個產業的推廣,並且闡明當代成人繪本與繪本化行銷為社會所帶來的最大經濟產值與效益,企圖帶領以出口貿易為主的台灣產業走向國際,迎向實踐創意優質經濟的挑戰。


With the transition of the culture, the widely adapted Capitalism, and the critical influence of the mass media, people tend to spend on popular arts more than ever, and we thrust for the world of actual images. Adult’s illustrated book, due to its unique characteristic of entertainment, not only brings a huge impact to the publication industry, but also affects greatly in consumer’s taste. In recent years, resulting from the trend brought by Jimmy’s illustrated books, reading a book with pictures and drawings is no longer a “kid’s only.” Besides the fact that adult illustrated book introduces an emotion-driven type of design, it contributes to the phenomenon of aesthetic life seeking. Marketing in multi-format/content, the popular adult illustrated products represent another opportunity of commercial design, and they also reflect the characteristic of post-modernization. This study realizes the in-depth implication and culture recognition of adult’s illustrated products by focusing on the concept of Illustrization Marketing. This study, in addition to the elaboration above, explicates modern cultural consumption and multi-format development. New marketing strategy, derived from the concept of Illustrization, is discovered. The motive of this study is to realize: (1) the evolvement of contemporary adult’s illustrated books and the cultural definition; (2) the products of contemporary adult illustration and consumer reaction under the sense of post-modern consumption; (3) the analysis and the conclusion of multi-format publication derived from adult illustration creativity, realization of the advantage of Illustrizaton Marketing, and possibility of the application. The diversification of post-modernization results in the birth of “Imagism” and the arrival of visual consumption. Furthermore, Adult’s Illustrated Book breaks the boundary of picture books for adults and for children. It crosses the border of the difference in races and cultures, and it creates the unlimited value of the combination between literature and fine art. This study, based on the relation among creativity, culture, consumption and marketing, discusses the views when Adult’s Illustrated Books adopt Illustrization Marketing. It is expected that: (1) to understand the background of Adult’s Illustrated Books development in Taiwan, and to realize the application of the essence of Adult’s Illustrated Books toward literature and design; (2) to analyze the trend as modern Illustrization applies to various formats of publication from Interpretation, Narration, and Audience Response Theory; (3) to discuss current Adult’s Illustrated products and audience reaction based on post-modern consumption model and esthetic experience; (4) to decipher the competitive market value of multi-format publication introduced by Adult’s Illustrated Books, to realize the opportunity of Illustrization application to the industry, and efficiency assessment. This study uses documentary analysis, texture analysis, and in-depth interview as the main study method. It analyzes the symbol and meaning represented by adult illustrated creation from design, culture, and consumption perspectives through related documents and theories. The study is divided into five main chapters. The first chapter is “Graphic Era,” its social and cultural impact under post-modernism. There are five sections in this chapter – the study background, the study motive and purpose, the study area and limitation, the term definition and study method. It focuses on graphic culture and daily life aesthetics influenced by post-modernism. In addition, it analyzes the industrial application of “graphical texture evolution” by focusing on the quality of graphic culture. Chapter Two emphasizes on the view and creativity of adult’s picture books. It covers the discussion of culture network and social structure in “Graphic era” based on adult illustrated production. It divides into three sections. The first section is the social and culture value of adult’s picture books, studied from two aspects – the development of adult illustrated book, and the sociological and cultural meaning. The second section covers the implication of adult’s picture books, analyzed from two areas – the popularity of global adult illustration creativity and the format of adult illustrated products. The third section covers the multiple layers of visualization that adult illustrated books represent, focused on – adult illustrated products discussion and critiques, and the influence of adult illustration creativity against fine art design. The third chapter is the expression of combination between contemporary adult illustration creativity and literature concept. There are three sections in this chapter. The first section analyzes the definition of contemporary adult illustrated books texture in a narrative fashion. With the in-depth interview, the study concludes current market of adult’s picture books. The second section discusses (1) the management of adult’s picture books consumption, (2) the value of adult’s picture books applies to product. The third section concerns (1) the application of personalized product, (2) the influence of adult’s picture books to the operators. It not only last the value of art work, but also applied art with popular life. Chapter Four discusses the multi-format fashion introduced by the combination of adult illustrated creativity and Illustrization Marketing. This chapter is divided into three sections. The first section discusses the impact and development of cultural expenditure brought by the adult illustration creativity. It raises two points of view. One is that the post-modern marketing trend which starts from the audience. The other is that with understanding the value of esthetics merchandises, one should realize the mental factor of audiences as a consumer. The second section states the creative thoughts and business opportunity of Illustrization Marketing. The purpose of this section is to understand the culture sense and symbolic meaning behind the adult illustration creativity. The third section covers the effectiveness assessment and expectation of Illustrizaton Marketing. Actual cases are introduced and analyzed to prove the potential market value; furthermore, an in-depth assessment of brand-name image establishment and application opportunity is stated. Altogether, the concept of Illustrization Marketing is a whole new idea. Its purpose is to guide the essence of Illustrization to the marketing methods in order to customize the unique image of an enterprise, individual, merchandise or service. After the analysis from this study, as an application of creative texture, there exists a close relation between modern adult illustrated books, Illustrization Marketing, and social and cultural background. Not only does this represent the coming age of diversity-respect and difference-focus, but it also means the rise of deconstructive visual effects. With the trend of modern design, the core of adult illustration creativity resides in people silently and gradually. It already becomes the essence of pop culture. At last but not least, this study leads to a conclusion it is expected that concept of Illustrated Marketing shall assist in Taiwan’s industry development in every aspect. It will bring up the actual maximum profit to the society efficiently, especially toward international trade business which remains a challenge against Taiwan’s current economical structure.




王淑娟(2010)。漫畫風格之插畫創作與研究-以繪本創作家Jean-Jacques Sempé桑貝風格為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315194787
