  • 學位論文


The Impact of Product Placement in Personal Blog, Brand Awareness and Product Involvement on Advertisement Communication Effect

指導教授 : 林心慧


Web2.0時代的來臨與網際網路蓬勃發展下,部落格帶來了一個新市場與新網路商機,使得部落格的廣告市場逐漸受到重視。故本研究採實驗設計法,針對個人部落格置入廣告後,探討認知、情感和行為意圖三階段的廣告溝通效果;並以品牌知名度與產品涉入程度為干擾變數;最後,透過多變量變異數分析方法來驗證各變數之間的因果關係。 本研究結果發現,品牌知名度干擾部落格置入類型對認知、情感和行為意圖皆不具有顯著影響;產品涉入程度干擾部落格置入類型對「認知效果」和「情感效果」有顯著影響;「視覺置入」和「視覺+聽覺置入」相較於「聽覺置入」,會有較高的認知溝通效果;「視覺置入」相較於「聽覺置入」,會有較高的情感溝通效果;「視覺置入」相較於「聽覺置入」,會有較高的行為意圖溝通效果;「品牌知名度高」相較於「品牌知名度低」,會有較高的認知溝通效果;「產品涉入高」相較於「產品涉入低」,會有較高的認知、情感和行為意圖溝通效果。


With the time of Web2.0 is coming and the development of the Internet is growing, Blog brought a new market and the commercial potential of Internet, make the advertisement market is more and more important in Blog. The study use experimental design method to understand the advertisement communication effect in cognitive, affective and behavioral intention after product placement in personal blog. The study also use brand awareness and product involvement as the moderators, prove the causal relationship between variables by Multivariate analysis of Variance at the final. The results found that Blog placement types to cognitive, affective and behavioral intention don’t have significant impact when brand awareness is a moderator, but Blog placement types to cognitive and affective effect have significant impact when product involvement is a moderator. In contrast to cognitive communication effect of audio only, cognitive communication effect of visual only and combines audio-visual is higher than audio only. Affective communication effect of visual only contrasts to audio only is higher, and contrast behavioral intention communication effect between visual only and audio only, behavioral intention communication effect of visual only is higher. When contrast brand awareness between high and low, cognitive communication effect of high brand awareness is higher. In contrast to cognitive, affective, behavioral intention communication effect of low product involvement, high product involvement is higher than low product involvement.


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