  • 學位論文


Ant algorithm for the Storage Recombination Problem

指導教授 : 張淳智 楊志文




Inventory management is a critical topic when it comes down to business. With good storage management, one may be able to decrease the total cost in extra spending; and along with “Storage Recombination”, it becomes an asset to the business itself. “Storage Recombination” takes the chaotic conditions of inventory environment in to account, it is fast, efficient and low cost, help restoring the original inventory classification or the goal for production labeling. However there has not been any related article on the topic of “Storage Recombination”. Therefore this research first defines the definition for the problem, creating a mathematical formula for the problem then solving it. Hoping to find the lowest cost for the “Storage Recombination Problem”, due to the fact that the problem itself is a kind of the combination optimization, Therefore, this paper is done through the modern method of Ant Algorithm to obtain the solution. At the mean time, to make sure that the solutions is valid and expandable, we have created many problem sets, and through indifferent categorize using the method of Ant Algorithm to obtain the valid parameters. Also to understand the quality of the solution given by the method of Ant Algorithm, we use another method of Greedy Method to obtain the solution simultaneously, so at the end we may compare both results. The results show contrast between Ant Algorithm and Greedy Method, their error rates are lower than 4.02%. But the study compares with the computing time that problem size is 500, the computing time which use greedy method is 2879 minutes and the computing time which use ant algorithm is 10.5 minutes. That means our solver base on Ant Algorithm is valuable in practice use.


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