  • 學位論文


Study of the Use of Colors on the Cigarette Packages Sold in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李淙柏


本研究的目的為探討香菸包裝在色彩的規劃上,是否符合消費者的心智模式以協助識別該商品的屬性,在施測樣本的選取上,以五大便利商店均有販售的寶馬、登喜路、至尊大衛杜夫和長壽尊爵等系列菸品,並將上述品牌之菸品包裝,依序掃圖進入繪圖軟體Adobe Photoshop CS製作施測所需之色票,以便於進行成對比較的施測。研究結果得知: 1.寶馬、登喜路、至尊大衛杜夫等三個系列菸品,在色彩的規劃上均符合受測者在品型辨識上的心智模式,然而,長壽尊爵系列菸品,卻因品型屬性間的色彩計畫相似性過高,而易使受測者在品型辨認上受到混淆現象的產生。 2.有吸菸之受測者對於色彩在香菸感覺上的看法,易受到現有香菸包裝色彩的影響,因此認為紅、藍色二色較具有香菸色彩的感覺;無抽菸之受測者則對於不同的色彩,發想出不同的色彩聯想,因而對於香菸色彩的接納度較高,紅、藍、橘、灰、白等色系均符合對香菸的感覺。 接著依問卷結果擬定訪談綱要,並針對有吸菸之受測者為訪談對象,以長壽尊爵前後改版的視覺差異性,為此要訪談重點,訪談結果得知: 新改版的長壽尊爵包裝,其色彩計劃較易於品型上的識認,另外,盒邊側面的品型屬性與濃淡程度對照圖,猶如語言項之視覺編碼形式,若能編改於包裝的視覺主面中,將更有助於品型上的辨識。另一方面,色相、明度二種因素,對於受測者在品型辨認的心理影響,遠高過於彩度因素。 關鍵詞:香菸、色彩識別、品型、成對比較。


The main purpose of the research is to discuss whether the scheme of colors used on cigarette packages sold on the Taiwanese market suit the consumers’ “mental model” or not, as well as to identify the main attributes of the merchandise. Four sets of cigarette brands already sold in the country’s five major convenience stores were chosen for sample i.e. PALL MALL, DANDOFF, DUNHILL, and GENTLE. In order to execute this research with more exactitude and do better pair-wise comparison among products, the previously mentioned famous cigarette brand packages will be scanned using the Adobe Photoshop CS software. As research outcome: 1. The scheme of colors used on cigarette packages of the PALL MALL, DUNHILL, and DANDOFF series suited the respondents’ mental model, in the case of GENTLE, however, its series of package attributes were too similar with each other, thus confounding the customers.   2. According to the point of view of smoker respondents affected by colors on cigarette packages, cigarette packs with red or blue color schemes on them are way more attractive. On the contrary, non-smoker respondents had a broader range of color association; thus they associated smoking with a series of different colors, red, blue, orange, grey, white and others, supposing they were all very attractive for smokers. By following the outcome of the previous questionnaire to draft the outline of an interview, which is taking smoker respondents as its prime subjects, and using the visual difference between old and new versions of GENTLE cigarette pack as its focal point. Interview outcome: The color scheme of the new version of GENTLE cigarette packs makes it easier for the customer to recognize the product. Moreover, the side of the package has new shape attributes and a nicotine marker acting as visual symbols for a better recognition of the product type. However, the cover of the new package could be changed. The hues and the brightness factors together have probably more psychological effect than the color in the customer’s product type recognition. Key words: Cigarette, Color Identification, Product Type, Pair-wise Comparison


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