  • 學位論文


The Research about Japanese Poster Design Style and Development—The AGI Japanese Designer ‘s Works(1950s-1980s)as Explanations

指導教授 : 李新富


本研究試圖以設計評析的觀點,面對立足於國際間獨樹一格的日本平面設計為主題,以日本海報設計所呈現的設計風格與文化意涵進行探索,以提供在日本平面設計上認識和瞭解。因此,在研究問題上,聚焦於日本平面設計師海報作品的風格之演變,藉以對日本海報設計作品的探討,希望能勾勒出四部分;其一,日本平面設計的源流發展歷程,究竟何者因素,使得日本設計在戰後二十年可以跨上國際舞台?其二,進行對日本平面設計師設計形式的探索,瞭解其背後建構之特徵?其三,日本設計風格成為西方各國相繼探討的對象,而其中美學風格擁有何種內涵特質?最後,日本平面設計師在歷經40年創作過程,所呈現與呼應是何種設計思維? 在章節的鋪陳當中,本研究試著以討論日本平面設計發展與設計師時序進入一個結構面的討論,藉著社會時事的橫觀與設計活動、設計作品的縱觀,受到政經影響與轉換過程當中,根據這樣的觀點,對於日本海報設計演變過程,以歷史面向觀察更加有助於瞭解其風格演變的關鍵;其次以獲選國際平面設計聯盟(Alliance Graphiqe Internationale,簡稱AGI)會員之日本平面設計師作品,進行「設計形式」、「美學風格」和「設計理念」上的分析。經研究後發現,日本平面設計發展充滿著豐沛的設計能力與民族意識,其中,國家重視設計政策和創意產業亦為關鍵性之重點;而日本設計發展背後所堅持的「價值觀」和「理念」,亦使得「設計發展」能歷經各種考驗、屹立不搖。 其次,在設計形式和風格當中,日本平面設計師以理性構成表現居多,並且靈活運用著文化元素,達到「內在感性」、「外在理性」兼具的現代風格,同時亦發現影響到日本平面設計的因素包括:(1)日本政府扶植設計產業;(2)經濟高度的發展;(3)政府與業界密切合作;(4)民族性格的影響;(5)傳統與現代的接軌;(6)國際視野的積極拓展等,都促使得日本平面設計在歷經西方文化衝擊之後,更能折衷其他文化優點,並秉持著追求完美、注重細節之設計思維,展現出現代與傳統融合的創意構想,積極的去開創屬於日本獨特的設計風格。最後,本研究據此結論,企盼本論述對於瞭解日本平面設計上能有所認識與啟發。


海報 視覺傳達設計 設計史 風格 設計師


The research attempts to analysis depend on design viewpoint, to be a topic of Japanese unique poster design. Due to provide the knowing and understanding of Japanese print design, therefore should to discover what design style and culture in Japanese posters. The research focuses on the style movement of Japanese posters, and try to make 4 parts to discuss Japanese posters: The First one, why Japanese posters can be shown in ernationally according to their print design history? Two, According to discover what type of Japanese designer for understanding the symbols of the structure. Third, What characteristics they have in the esthetic? Why Japanese style are becoming a main course in western countries? And the last one, What the Japanese designers would like to convey the main meaning in past 40 years? The research is trying to discuss Japanese print design movement and the designers who have been influenced by social, economic and politics. Depending on this point, It is helpful to understand what movement of Japanese posters design. Then, take the works which were awarded by AGI, to analyze that including design type, esthetic style and design impression. Japanese posters design have the absolutely design ability and the national consciousness, after this research that discovered. And the key point is that Japanese government have been caring about design policy and creative industrial very much. Because they persist in value and impression, therefore the design development can against many tests.The works have many rational elements which created by Japanese designers. Also use the culture elements to reach the rational and perceptual style. There are 6 elements influencing Japanese poster design. 1.Japanese government care about the poster industrial. 2. High develop economy. 3. Government cooperate with the industrial closely. 4. The nationality characters. 5. Tradition connect with modern. 6. International view. Above are the main elements that make the unique posters come out with some other culture advantages. They are making the works perfectly and showing the creative ideas that mixed by modern and tradition. Last, hope the research can make people know Japanese posters design and make the enlightenment about it.


poster vision transmission history of design style designer


Richard S. Thornton, 1991, “Japanese Graphic Design”, Laurence King Ltd, Tokyo.
B.Hiesinger and Felice Fischer, 1995, Japanese Design A Survey Since 1950, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Japan.


林心緻(2010)。日本地方產業品牌識別標誌之研究 —以食品產業為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201000741
