  • 學位論文


Use of DEA cross-efficiency evaluation in portfolio selection: An application to Taiwan stock market

指導教授 : 黃淑惠


在投資組合選擇上我們建議採用考慮效用函數之MV架構下的交叉效率評估方法,並藉由與效用函數的結合發展出一套考慮投資人偏好下的最優投資組合,為了進一步瞭解無效率的原因,本文並將整體效率(OE)拆解成配置效率(AE)、凸效率(CE)及投資組合效率(PE),透過效率的計算,證實運用最優投資組合的方式可較單一資產的投資提升整體績效,同時達到提高報酬、減少風險的目標。 Lim et al. (2014)所提出的DEA交叉效率評估MV(mean-variance)架構下的投資組合評價方法,在投資組合的股票選擇上,已被證實是有效的,但投資人對風險的偏好是有所差異的,對風險的感受及承擔能力不同,本文嘗試延續Lim et al. (2014)的架構,採用交叉效率(cross-efficiency)的同儕評估(peer evaluation)模式來取代傳統資料包絡分析法 (Data Envelopment Analysis,簡稱DEA),以交叉效率的平均值來代替報酬、同儕評估的變異數來代替風險,並參考Briec et al. (2007) 的方法,將效用函數考慮進來,發展出一套考慮投資人效用下的最優投資組合的評價方法。 本文以2013年的臺灣50成份股為樣本,以考慮效用函數之MV架構下的交叉效率評估作為投資組合績效的評估,運用二階動差的投資組合基準的方法,引入個人效用函數,求得投資組合的最適權重,建構最佳投資組合,應用一個簡單的實證,說明此方法在計算上的可行性,並藉由本方法將研究成果提供投資者參考,俾能做出最佳投資決策。


In portfolio selection we recommend using considering utility function of cross-efficiency evaluation method under MV architecture. By combining with utility function to development a set of optimal portfolio method under considered investor preferences. In order to further understand the inefficiencies reasons, this article disassembled the overall efficiency (OE) into allocative efficiency (AE), convex efficiency (CE) and portfolio efficiency (PE). Through efficiency calculations to confirmed that the use of the optimal portfolio approach can be enhanced the portfolio's overall performance than investments in single assets. To Achieve the goals of increase return and reduce risk. Lim et al. (2014) proposed DEA cross-efficiency evaluation method under MV architecture., Has been proven to be effective in the Stocks portfolio selection. But investor appetite for risk is somewhat difference, and also experience and ability to bear risk is different. This paper attempts to continue Lim et al. (2014), using cross-efficiency of peer evaluation model to replace the traditional data envelopment analysis. By the average of cross- efficiency and variance of the portfolio instead of return and risk. Reference Brice et al. (2007) method, the utility function is taken into account. Development of the evaluation method for optimal portfolio under considering the utility function. In this paper, make use of constituent stocks of TSEC Taiwan 50 index in 2013 as a sample. Using considering utility function of cross-efficiency evaluation method under MV architecture. To Combine individual utility functions in the second moment of the benchmark portfolio approach. To obtain the optimal portfolio weights and the optimal portfolio. Furthermore, this paper application of a simple empirical to illustrate the feasibility of this method. By this method and research results to provide investors with a reference, to make the best investment decisions.


DEA cross-efficiency portfolio stock market utility function


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