  • 學位論文


“f (money) = value?”Creating Illustration-A Study of Money and Values by Adapting from《The Little Match Girl》

指導教授 : 高惠瓊


臺灣近年來因景氣不佳、高失業率等經濟問題,讓人深深體驗到「金錢」所帶來的壓力。同時受後現代主義的影響,人的價值觀與道德判斷呈現自我、多元與不確定性。為錢發生種種詐騙、強盜、自殺、殺害朋友家人等令人難以置信的社會事件,在媒體為求收視利益下不斷地被誇大炒作,更加使得民心動盪不安。西元2008年所發生的全球性金融海嘯,使大環境越來越加恐慌,年輕人對未來也因此喪失信心。而這些現象在世界各國皆無法倖免,這是大家必須共同正視的迫切問題。 針對上述議題,本創作者有感於社會責任,覺得研究內容應更貼近現實生活,因此以「金錢」為變項,選擇自己所熟悉的插畫媒材,探討在面對人性慾望時「價值觀」所衍生的結果。透過文獻分析與理論探索,以馬斯洛需求理論、金錢倫理以及效益倫理等建構創作的基礎。而為了讓不同年齡層的觀眾能產生共鳴,選擇童話為題材,並以大家耳熟能詳的安徒生童話《賣火柴的小女孩》,做為創作改編架構。以「金錢」介入主角死亡前擦亮的第四根火柴,在解決生存問題後,她面對馬斯洛「實現自我」和「超越自我」高階需求層次時的選擇,藉所彙整的相關「金錢」問題引發之新聞事件中,各類型主角因不同價值觀做出不同決策後產生的結果,作為改編創作系列開展的依據。以函數關係「f(money)=價值?」為主題,完成「金玉其外的糖衣誘惑」、「擴張信用的泡沫生涯」、「富不過三代的魔咒」、「黑色暴利的嗜血遊戲」、「自我實現、自我超越的毅力挑戰」等五大系列創作,並得到下列成果: 一、透過文獻與理論探討,梳理出金錢倫理觀是由經驗累積且會產生永久影響,並直接影響生涯導向,且價值觀是道德判斷的核心問題。 二、近年來,「金錢」相關新聞事件的分析中,確實觀察到「價值判斷」與「意志力」在面對誘惑時的重要性,可成為人物類型歸屬的依據,就插畫之角色設定具有深層且精確的啟示。 三、藉由童話《賣火柴的小女孩》故事原型之場景與人物分析,體會到安徒生為生存於底層社會的弱勢族群,以犀利的故事情節向不公義的社會提出嚴厲的控訴,對安徒生之成就與童話功能有更深入的體驗與感動。馬斯洛需求理論對應了《賣火柴的小女孩》中火柴的隱喻,小女孩點燃第四根火柴所產生的幻覺順序,一再地呼應了馬斯洛基本生存低層次的需求。 四、從所收集相關「金錢」與社會批判的插畫分析,得到造形、色彩、構圖以及各種符號語彙之形式與意象分類,並將其具體地應用於本次插畫創作,就個人在創意發展上有極大助益,也影響了個人插畫風格上的改變,受益良多。 期待所得成果能得到共鳴,並提供相關研究與創作之參考。


童話 金錢倫理觀 價值觀


Due to the depressive economy, high unemployment rate, and other economic problems in recent years in Taiwan, people have deeply experienced the pressures "money" has brought to them. Meanwhile, with the impact of postmodernism, human values and moral judgment appear diversified and uncertain. For the sake of money, Several incredibly horrible social events occurred, such as grab and theft, suicide, murder, and so on, which became the focus of media to report such news exaggeratedly for the ratings and profits, causing more people in unrest. The global financial crisis happened in AD 2008 made the environment get more and more panic. Therefore young people lose confidence in the future. These phenomena are inevitable in the world, we must work together to face these urgent problems.   Aiming at the issues mentioned above, and profoundly motivated by a sense of social responsibility, this research is therefore made with an attempt to get closer to real life. With "money" as the variable,The researcher selects accordingly his own familiar illustration pictures for exploration of the outcomes resulted from the "values" in face of human desires. The researcher analyzed the literature and explored the theory based on creation constructions involving with Maslow's hierarchy of needs, money ethics, effectiveness ethics, and etc. In addition, To make readers in different age groups resonate instantly, the researcher chose the fairy tales familiar to everyone; that is, Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Match Girl, as the framework of adaptation. By means of literature analysis and theoretical examination, this study re-depicted a girl who had been deprived of all resources for survival and death. With interference of "Money" into the protagonist’s lightening up the fourth matchsticks to solve the problem of existence in front of Death, she then faced a choice in Maslow's high level of need, "self-realization" and "self-beyond." Here, by collecting all relative news events caused by the problem of "money", the researcher developed the various types of decisions the little girl made due to different kinds of values. Adopting the function of theme “f (money) = value?”, the researcher accomplished extension of meaning. Namely, it is the Five Creation Series, including “Gold enticement”, “The Life of Bubble that Misuses Man’s Credit”, “The Magic Curse that Man’s Fortune Cannot Last for over Three Generations”, “Wasting Money Extravagantly is a Dangerous Black Game”, and “A Challenge to Challenge and Overcome Oneself”. Then the following results are obtained consequently: 1. By literature and theoretical discussion, it is proved that ethics of money has casual relationship with human experiences, and will generate a permanent impact on man and orientation of life. Additionally, the value is the core issue of moral judgment. 2. In recent years, in "money" related news events analysis, the researcher has observed that "value judgments" and "willpower" plays an important role in resisting temptation. It can be the foundation of a personality type, produce illumination on the role orientation in illustrator, and reveal deep and precise meanings. 3. By story origin of the scenes and character analysis in fairy tale The Little Match Girl, we comprehend that for survival on the bottom of social disadvantaged groups, Andersen strongly accused the society of its injustice with sharp storyline, leading us to more in-depth experience and sympathy with Andersen’s achievement and functions of his fairy tales. In regard of Maslow's theory, it corresponds to the matches metaphor in "Little Match Girl". In other words, the sequence of hallucinations from which the little girl lightened up the four matches echoes Maslow basic survival needs in the low level repeatedly. 4. From the relevant "money" and social criticism illustrator analysis collected by the researcher, the researcher has obtained various symbols and image classification of shape, color, composition, and vocabulary. Physically, the researcher has applied the classification to illustration creation. Personally, it helps remarkably in his development of creativity, and also affects his personal illustration style immensely.   The researcher expects his outcomes can have the readers’ resonation and sympathy. Also, he wishes he can provide relevant research and creation reference for further study in the future.


fairy tale ethics of money values


 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck,1961,Florence Rockwood Kluckhohn,and Fred L. Strodtbeck, with the assistance of John M. Robertset al. Variations in Value Orientation. Illinois.: Peterson。
 Jack Weatherford,楊月蓀譯,1997,《金錢簡史》,台北,商周。
 Bentham, J.,1982,An introduction to the principles of morals and legislation,London,Wiley。
 Foster,1962,George McClelland Foster, Traditional Cultures and the Impact of Technological Change,New York,Harper & Row。
 Goldberg, H., Lewis, R.,1978,Money madness:The psychology of saving ,spending , loving and hating money,London,springwood Books。


