  • 學位論文


Game Support for Learning Elementary Mathematic Speed Unit Using Tablet

指導教授 : 黃國峰


現今遊戲式學習在教學上受到重視,許多研究也指出遊戲式學習能有效提升學習成效和學習動機,但目前多數的教學遊戲偏向測驗而不是以遊戲引導教學。因此,本研究開發一款遊戲式學習輔助工具,提供情境式教學,藉由遊戲式學習增進學生理解速率概念。在國小六年級數學課程中「速率」單元除了要計算距離、時間、乘法、除法、分數、單位換算,綜合這些概念的同時也增加了理解的難度,使學生混淆,不易理解計算題目的問題,同時動態情境又很難以圖像、文字或口語表達清楚。 本研究開發了一套「SPEED SHAKE」遊戲系統,應用於國小速率單元藉以提升學習品質,同時能夠保持正向態度。共有51名學生參與本研究之實驗。研究目的旨在探討平板電腦結合遊戲的輔助系統,應用於國小六年級數學速率單元的距離、時間、速率之教學成效。本研究採用「準實驗設計法」編製前後測試卷,於實驗教學前、後進行施測,分析多媒體遊戲式學習提升速率單元的學習成效,研究成果發現在實驗組(組內)的學生有顯著提升,而實驗組與控制組(組間)未達顯著差異。最後再以科技接受度(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)問卷分析,理解學習者對本研究教學模式及多媒體教材之學習感受。


速率 平板電腦 遊戲 輔助教學


Game-based learning tool is being taken seriously in recent years. Many studies have pointed out that game-based learning tool can improve learners’ achievements and enhance their motivation. However, most of these pedagogical games are more like evaluating students rather than teaching students by playing games. Thus, this study developed a game-based learning tool by using situated learning to enhance student's understanding of the concept of speed. For 6th graders, “Speed” is a difficult unit in their math lessons. It contains several mathematic concepts, but these concepts are hard to be described and presented by images, words or oral presentations. This study focuses on the 6th grade elementary students' learning responses to speed, time and distance concepts by using tablet computer with the game support-system. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, we developed a speed learning game called the “SPEED SHAKE”. We also used the "quasi-experimental research method" to prepare the pre-test and the post-test, which analyze the learning benefit of the “SPEED SHAKE”. Finally, the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) questionnaire is used to analyze the learners' experiences from teaching models and multimedia materials learning. There are 51 students participating in this study. Their positive responses and their learning achievements are shown in convincing results. The results also show that the “SPEED SHAKE” game is easy to use. In summary, the game can make learners improve their learning achievements and keep positive attitude to play it.


speed tablet game computer assisted teaching


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