  • 學位論文


The Impact of Product Attributes, Website Interface Design and Web Browsing on Impulse Buying-Apparel Shopping Websites as an Example

指導教授 : 蔡子安


隨著網際網路與電子商務的興起,傳統實體有形之市場空間,已逐漸轉變成虛擬無形的網際空間。近年來除了網購人口的成長,市場規模和產值更是成長驚人。其中,消費者在網購市場中以購買服裝產品比例佔最重。因此,在這樣的網路背景下,如何讓消費者從網頁瀏覽者轉變成網路上的衝動性購買者,是一個重要的議題,而產品屬性和網站介面設計即是影響消費者在網頁瀏覽的重要因子。 本研究主要目的是探討產品屬性、網站介面設計、功利性網頁瀏覽、享樂性網頁瀏覽以及衝動性購買彼此間之影響關係,性別對各研究變項之差異以及比較不同購物網站對各研究假說影響關係之差異,並以服裝購物網站為例。本研究共發放550份問卷,所採用的統計分析方法為:敘述性統計分析、信效度分析、結構方程模式以及獨立樣本t檢定。研究結果發現:(1)產品屬性對功利性網頁瀏覽和享樂性網頁瀏覽具有正向顯著之影響。(2)網站介面設計對功利性網頁瀏覽和享樂性網頁瀏覽具有正向顯著之影響。(3)產品屬性對衝動性購買具有正向顯著之影響。(4)享樂性網頁瀏覽對衝動性購買具有正向顯著之影響。(5)性別對享樂性網頁瀏覽和衝動性購買具有顯著之差異。(6)不同購物網站對各研究假說影響關係具有部分顯著之差異。


With “Tech Tap”, the marketing space of bricks-and-mortar has been transforming into the clicks-and-mortar. The online shopping population is growing fast recently, enlarges bricks-and-mortar marketing and brings huge valuation. Especially the apparel products occupy maximum proportion as consumers shopping online. In this context, how to let consumers go impulse buying on the network from a web browser is an important issue. Product attributes and website interface design are key elements to impact consumers in browsing. The purpose of this study is to explore product attributes, website interface design, utilitarian browsing, hedonic browsing and impulse buying affect the relationship between each other. The purpose explore the differences of the variables of gender on various research and comparing different shopping websites to research the hypothesis affect the relationship between the differences and apparel shopping websites as an example. After issuing 550 questionnaires, this study adopts statistical analysis methods including descriptive statistics analysis, reliability and validity analysis, structural equation modeling and independent t-test. The results indicates: (1)Product attributes positively affects utilitarian browsing and hedonic browsing. (2)Website interface design positively affects utilitarian browsing and hedonic browsing. (3)Product attributes positively affects impulse buying. (4)Hedonic browsing positively affects impulse buying. (5)Gender on hedonic browsing and impulse buying has differences. (6)Different shopping sites on the relationship of the various hypotheses impact some differences.


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