  • 學位論文


A study of the factors affecting live stream network platform- Integration viewpoints of electronic word of mouth and Community Identity

指導教授 : 李國瑋


網際網路與資訊科技的蓬勃發展,讓上網更加方便且快速。在串聯技術及環境成熟的拉力之下,網路使用者的視聽習慣正慢慢地改變,對線上影音的需求也逐漸地增加。由於網路影音直播平台具有即時性、話題性與互動性等特性,比起傳統影音平台更能達到社群分享及擴散目的,使觀看網路影音直播漸漸成為台灣網路使用者的重要視聽行為。過去研究網路影音平台多著重於非即時性之影音平台,對於即時性影音平台較少著墨。因此,本研究以網路影音直播平台為研究主題,以理性行為理論(Theory of Reasoned Action, TRA)作為基礎,加入知覺互動性、知覺娛樂性、網路口碑、社群認同等變項,探討影響使用者使用網路影音直播平台之因素,並將寂寞感作為干擾變數,探討對使用者之使用意圖及行為關係之影響。利用SPSS與PLS統計軟體作為資料分析之主要工具,分析資料數據及理論模型之驗證。經由實證結果顯示,網路影音直播平台之特性對TRA構面間具有正向顯著影響,寂寞感具有正向顯著干擾,期望藉由初探性之研究,提供網路影音平台業者未來發展之參考及實務意涵。


With the speeding development of Internet and information technology, surfing the net becomes more convenient and faster. Because of the environmental affect, the users’ need of video and audio on the internet has been changed, and their needs of online video and audio are gradually increasing. Compare with classic video and audio platform, live video is more instant, topical and interactive. Also it is more socialize and easier to spread out the news. With the reasons above, the live video has becoming the main choice for internet users in Taiwan. Most of previous studies about internet media focus more on the non-real-time video platform instead of the live video platform. As a result, this study will focus on the live video. Based on Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), this study is included “Perceived Interactivity”, “Perceived playfulness”, “Electronic word-of-mouth”, “Social identity” and “Loneliness” to find out the factors that affect stream network platform to understand the relationship between what the users’ intentions are and how they use the live video platform. This study uses SPSS and Smart PLS statistic software to analyze data. The study show the following results: (1) Perceived interactivity has positive influence on attitude. (2) Perceived playfulness has positive influence on attitude. (3) Electronic word-of-mouth has positive influence on attitude. (4) Electronic word-of-mouth has positive influence on subjective norm. (5) Social identity has positive influence on subjective norm. (6) Loneliness has a positively moderating effect between behavioral intention and actual behavior. In conclusion, this paper will provide the management practice and future research directions based on the research findings.


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