  • 學位論文


A Facial Affective Computing Approach to Develop an Adaptive Interface of Game-Based Learning Material

指導教授 : 蔡子瑋


教育部於2003年課程綱要中提出,教學應以學生為主體,以學習者能力作為考量,避免將學習者作均質的處理,顯示出適性學習在現今教育上的重要性。本研究設計臉部情意運算融入遊戲式學習之適性化介面,判斷學習者在進行遊戲式學習教材時,學習挑戰性是否符合學習者的能力,即時調整學習挑戰性,提升學習者的學習動機,達到適性學習的目的。本研究欲達成的目標有兩點,第一點探討臉部情意運算融入遊戲式適性學習,是否有提升學習動機;第二點評估臉部情意運算融入遊戲式學習之適性化介面之情感使用性。 本研究首先針對研究目的進行相關文獻探討,而後研究分為兩階段:第一階段研究主要為了解學習情緒與學習挑戰性是否有關聯,設計具有不同程度挑戰性的遊戲式學習教材。邀請19位國小二年級學童進行實驗,實驗中使用側錄觀察受測者臉部情緒,之後受測者在情緒表達量表報告其學習情緒,並且個別訪談紀錄受測者進行不同學習挑戰性關卡時的學習情緒,評估應用臉部情意運算融入遊戲式適性學習介面之可行性。第二階段研究,製作運算融入遊戲式適性學習介面。邀請90位國小二年級學童進行實驗,並將實驗分為三組,實驗組A使用適性學習介面改變遊戲難易度的教材;實驗組B使用適性學習介面改變內容難易度的教材;對照組使用無適性學習介面的教材。在實驗前後分別以學習動機量表,了解受測者學習動機; 並於實驗後請受測者於情感使用性量表進行評估; 此外,側錄觀察與訪談等方法用於了解受測者學習動機及情緒反應。研究結果顯示,學習情緒與學習挑戰性有關;應用臉部情意運算融入遊戲式學習之適性化介面,有助於提升學習者學習動機。


In the teaching policy proposed by Ministry of Education in 2003, it was mentioned the learning treatment should be adaptive to the individual’s ability. The aim of the study is to apply the facial affective computing approach to develop an adaptive interface for the game-based learning materials. It could immediately adapt the learning challenge to learners’ ability; and therefore learners could enhance learning motivation. Furthermore, the affective usability of the interface is evaluated. The study comprises two-phase experiments. The first experiment is to determine the relationship between learners’ emotion and the learning challenge. 19 primary school students were recruited to use a designed game-based learning material with no adaptive interface. The subjects’ facial emotions were recorded during the experiment. After that, they report on the learning emotion scale and are interviewed about their affective response to the learning challenge. In the second experiment, the interface of facial affective computing is developed to adapt game difficult and content difficulty of the game-based material. 90 primary school students were recruited and randomly assigned to group A, B and C. The group A is arranged to use the material with adaptive game difficulty; the group B uses the adaptive content difficulty; and the group C uses no adaptive materials. The subjects report on the learning motivation scale before and after experiment. They also report their response on the affective usability scale. Besides, video recording, observations and interviews are executed to collect their affective responses during the experiment. The results show that the adaptive interface of facial computing for the game-based learning materials could enhance learners' motivation and affective usability.


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