  • 學位論文


The Study of Creating Added Value and Competitive Advantage on Taiwan Mill-Turn Machining Center

指導教授 : 周素娥 博士


工具機的演進由九O年代的五軸加工機,轉變到今日以複合加工機為主的研發方向。車銑複合加工機不論是從市場需求、技術層次的提升、或是提升產業競爭力等來看,皆具備創造附加價值及未來的競爭優勢,並可達到產業升級的目的。本研究目的主要為探討車銑複合加工機廠商之技術能力、客製化能力及協同零組件廠設計,是否影響廠商之開發績效表現。 本研究以台灣車銑複合加工機廠商為研究母體,採用問卷方式進行資料收集,而為求問卷內容符合研究主題及目的,於調查前先經由專家群進行預試,以作為修改及剔除不適當之題項。預試後所修訂之問卷,發放予12家工具廠進行調查,共計發出80份問卷,有效回收問卷62份,接著以描述性統計、相關分析、迴歸分析及層級迴歸分析等統計方法,進行資料之驗證與交叉分析。本研究六項假設有四項獲得支持,研究結果如下:(1)技術能力愈強,開發績效愈好;(2)客製化能力愈強,則開發績效愈好;(3)協同零組件廠設計程度愈高,開發績效愈好;(4)技術能力與客製化能力的交互作用,對開發績效有顯著影響;(5)技術能力與協同零組件廠設計的交互作用,對開發績效的影響並不顯著;(6)客製化能力與協同零組件廠設計的交互作用,對開發績效的影響並不顯著。


The evolution of machine center has transferred from five-axis machine to mill-turn machining center since the 90’s. It is the major research and development trend. From the viewpoint of market demand, technical level upgrade, or industrial competitiveness enhancement, mill-turn machining center is able to create added value and competitive advantage and achieve the purpose of industrial upgrade. The purpose of this study is to explore whether the technological capability, customization capability, collaborative design with components factories of mill-turn machining center manufacturers have effects on their new product development performance. This study aimed at Taiwanese mill-turn machining center manufacturers to collect data via questionnaires. In order to get ture empirical analysis, we modified the inappropriate questions through pilot-test and received 62 valid responses out of 80 copies of questionnaires. After correlation and regression analysis, the study results indicate as follows. 1.Technological capability has a significant influence on new product development performance. 2.Customization capability has a significant influence on new product development performance. 3.Collaborative design with components factories has a significant influence on new product development performance. 4.Technological capability and customization capability have significant influence on new product development performance. 5.Technological capability and collaborative design with components factories have no influence on new product development performance. 6.Customization capability and collaborative design with components factories have no influence on new product development performance.


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