  • 學位論文


A Study on Development factors of the Collaboration between Japanese and Taiwanese Companies of the Machine Tool Industry: Approach from Network Theory

指導教授 : 吳銀澤
共同指導教授 : 黎立仁(Li-Ren Li)


台日間企業的合作已有六十年以上的歷史。而這樣的合作關係在2000年之後有了量及質的變化。日本方面由於進軍亞洲市場、日幣升值等經營環境的改變,再加上台灣與中國簽訂ECFA等影響促使台日關係更為緊密,再次形成台日合作的高峰期,引發學術界及實務界的注目。其中,與其他產業相較下台日企業間合作較少的工具機產業近來也日趨活躍。 基於這樣的背景,本研究針對工具機產業台日合作的發展要因及其形成的過程,探討其理論及實證意義。首先以理論背景的網絡理論,尤其是注目於企業所嵌入的網絡資源,透過先行文獻探討導出研究架構和三個理論命題。接著進行台日工具機企業合作的實證研究來驗證三個命題。透過實證研究所釐清事實歸納如以下三點(1)工具機產業台日合作的情況下,台灣企業所擁有的網絡資源,尤其是中國等海外販賣網絡資源為促成台日合作的要因。(2)具有豐富網絡資源的網絡中,該中心企業顯現出積極與日本企業合作,而且合作事業也持續、安定發展的傾向。(3)台日合作的形成過程中,存在著了解台日雙方文化的業界網絡連結者,該居間人為雙方信賴關係獲得的來源。最後,根據研究所發現的事實,論述國際合作理論的理論涵義及網絡資源與企業經營相關的啟示。


There are more than 60 years of collaboration history between Japanese and Taiwanese company. It has significantly changes to the qualitative and quantitative since 2000. The relationship between Japan and Taiwan has become closer under the influence of business environment changes in Japan, such as Asian expansion and yen appreciation; moreover the ECFA conclusion between Taiwan and China, the boom of collaboration between Japan and Taiwan occurred again. Meanwhile it has attracted attention in society and practical field. Compared to other industries, the collaboration between Japan and Taiwan in the machine tool industry was rare, but now it started to grow up. Under this background, the purpose of this study is to clarify the theoretical and empirical process of its formation and development factor of Japan and Taiwan cooperation in the machine tool industry. We focus on network resources that a company is embedded, led the theoretical proposition and three research framework from the review of previous studies as a theoretical background first. Then verify empirically the proposition of three through the case study of the cooperation of Japan and Taiwan machine tool company. The findings of this study shows that(1) In the case of collaboration between Japan and Taiwan in machine tool industry, the network resource of Taiwanese company, such as oversea sales network resource, especially the sales network resource in China, is working as a key factor of collaboration with Japanese companies (2) Center companies in the network that have accumulated a lot of network resources is active in cooperation with Japanese companies, also the development of joint ventures are sustainable and stable (3) Network connector were exist while the collaboration formation, which deeply understand both Japanese and Taiwanese culture to gain bilateral trust. Final, according to the facts that we found to describe the implication of International collaboration theory and network resources related to company management.


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