  • 學位論文


Using Visual Graphics to Analyze Classical Poetry’s Pragmatic Strategies for Chinese Learning

指導教授 : 王兆華


在外語或第二語言學習中,學習者可能熟悉詞彙、語法知識,但卻不能很好地把握這些知識,以及此語言在使用上所依賴的恰當語境條件。而漢民族語言在中國特有的五千年文明傳統的影響下,形成自己特有的語用風格,形成與西方文化的語用上的差異。華語文教學的對象,主要為非華人的外籍人士,他們對於中華文化並無深入的瞭解;然而語言是社會文化環境的產物,語言也是一套有組織的符號運用及造句規則;人際間要完成充分的溝通,除了符號運用必須符合規則外,還需有文化層面之認知。 中國古典詩歌用詞精美,情韻典雅,以之作為對外漢語的進階教材,既可引領外籍學生欣賞文學作品的美詞佳句,亦可潛移默化以體悟中華文化的深邃內涵,並從而強化表述議題的溝通能力,加上中國古典詩歌追求「意在言外」,善於「寓情於景」的創作屬性,話中有話的語用策略,可以讓華語學習者了解漢民族,在不同的語境條件下,要使用什麼樣的言語行為或策略。觀察現有的華語教學教材發現,多以實用的生活題材為主,少有結合中國傳統文學之學習教材,因此本研究主要是在探討多媒體「情境」模式導入古典華語文學習教材的內容設計是否讓學習者有效認識中國文學與中國文化,並進而學習華語語用知識。 本研究以《水調歌頭》與《天淨沙 秋思》為例發展學習教材,以情境元素分析法來解構詩句之視覺、聽覺等情境影響因素,再對應轉化成多媒體元件,以多媒體動畫方式展演其詞曲的情境,來讓學習者能深入作品意境,同時分析詩人寫作詞曲的語用策略,並設計語用能力練習,讓學生在學習課程後,試著將學習的語用知識運用於生活用語之中。


Successful second language acquisition (SLA) must include second culture acquisition (SCA) (e.g., Hamers & Blanc, 1989, Schumann, 1978). The different conceptual views of the two different cultures are believed to play an important role in affecting the learners’ L2 pragmatic performance. This study is an investigation of the pragmatic competence of second language (L2) learners of Chinese by examining how situational learning could benefit or affect learners’ linguistic performance. The students who learn Chinese as the second language need to learn Chinese culture as the second culture otherwise they will have problems when having communication related to culture concept. The point of view of this study is that Chinese poetry anthology has exquisite words and quality, and would be a good resource for the students to understand the Chinese culture, but for some limitations concerning classical linguistic, history, literature and genre, many L2 students are unable to realize classical poetry thoroughly. In recent years, computer multimedia and network platform, offering diverse materials, are greatly used in the field of Chinese learning and are proved to have good learning results when students can learn anytime and anywhere. Therefore, this paper is an exploratory study of Chinese pragmatic development with a computer-assisted learning environment, performing classical Ci Qu (詞曲) visually with computer graphics. Based on the theory of Pragmatics and Situated Learning, we choose two works for the pilot study. We analyze the poetry’s context of situation and interpret with multimedia visual graphics, and create a curriculum aiming to help users learn the interrelationship between expressions and meaning of Chinese poetry, promote their interest in learning Chinese poetry, and enlarge their conceptual knowledge of second culture for the purpose of developing their capability of advanced communication. This study wants to explore the potential of the curriculum whether it could help users understand Chinese poetry literature and assist them in second culture acquisition.


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