  • 學位論文


A Research in the Operational Strategy and Spatial Design of Vintage Coffee Shop: Case Studies in Chain Stores and Independent Cafes

指導教授 : 方鳳玉


過去,喝咖啡被視為臺灣貴族士紳才有的交際行為,對普通民眾而言,咖啡是異國且不普遍的奢侈品。直到臺灣經濟起飛、知名連鎖咖啡館的進駐,才逐漸將咖啡市場普及化。當時第一家咖啡館開設在臺北中山堂附近,而逐漸分散於臺北地區,慢慢地帶動了咖啡文化與市場。隨著文建會(今文化部)在1998年推動「閒置空間再利用」,舊建築再利用之觀念逐漸擴展開來,當時多數的閒置空間都被規劃為藝文空間,但引入咖啡館機能,讓咖啡館成為人與藝文活動交融之場所。不僅如此,源起台南的「老屋運動」,也逐漸帶動全台對老屋再利用的重視與推崇,延續老屋歷史痕跡之美,再現人與建築密不可分之情感印記。 本研究係以老屋型態的咖啡館為對象,針對其經營策略與空間設計進行比較與分析。擇定北部地區八間老屋型態的獨立咖啡館與連鎖咖啡館進行異同性之比較,針對咖啡館的經營行銷策略與空間機能進行研究。關於經營行銷策略之分析包括:消費市場、品牌定位與產品特色、以及品牌形象定位等;空間之分析則包含咖啡館之基本資料、氛圍、空間形式以及舊建築再利用的操作手法等。這些咖啡館的舊建築外觀都充滿獨特性,在空間設計上也都發揮許多巧思,透過創意與想法更加凸顯自家品牌的特性,鞏固咖啡館在咖啡市場上的地位以及生存之道。亦即,成功的咖啡館,除了可用高品質的咖啡豆煮出一杯充滿香氣與味覺的好咖啡外,還須在空間或是經營策略上多花些設計巧思,凸顯出自家的獨特性,並創造出與眾不同的氛圍,以持續吸引顧客光臨。 透過本研究之分析發現,連鎖咖啡館係以高知名度的品牌形象與門市的獨特性,吸引顧客前往體驗與消費;而獨立咖啡館要能持續維持的特點之一,就是獨特風格且擁有鮮明的形象定位,並且利用咖啡館的舒適氛圍拉近顧客之間距離,進而提升顧客對店家的歸屬感與忠誠度。因為,咖啡館的型態已逐漸走向多元化的經營手法與空間設計。現代的咖啡館不再只是重視味覺上的消費體驗,還得透過各種媒介與視覺上的消費體驗,才能吸引顧客前往消費。整體而言,連鎖咖啡館所釋放出的友善空間多數是屬於無形的,是透過採取行動與捐款關懷社會議題的方式表現,並非直接反應於空間規劃上。而獨立咖啡館則在經營策略與空間規劃上相輔相成,不僅著重視覺上的設計美感,更釋放出多元、創新的經營理念與友善空間,著重顧客的心理感受與互動;不只滿足味蕾,還能尋求心靈的慰藉與釋放,進而產生穩固的認同感與歸屬感。


In the past, coffee was not popular in general people. It was regarded as the exotic luxury drink for Taiwan nobility . Along with economic recovery and well-known coffee shop chains stationed in Taiwan, coffee has gradually become popular. At that time, the first coffee shop was stationed near Zhongshan Hall, and others were around Taipei. Since 1998, CCA(Council for Cultural Affairs) promoted the” Reuse of Vacant Spaces”, the concept of reusing old spaces has spread around. By that time, many spaces are planned to be artistic spaces where people can attend artistic activities and also have a cup of coffee. Moreover, the movement of ”Old house movement” which started from Tainan also raised people awareness of reusing old house and continued historic beauty which represent the inseparability of the Architecture and people. This study aimed at analyzing business strategy and space design of old house coffee shops. Choosing 8 old coffee shops(contains single and chains store) at Taipei city to investigate its differences. This study focus on two contents, business strategy and space design. Business strategy contains consumer market, branding positioning, Product Features and image positioning…etc. Analysis of space design contains basic information, atmosphere, space forms and management of reusing the old houses. These old coffee shops have its unique elevations and also featured with its space design. Throughout creative and ideas, it highlights its own brand identity and also hold the position in the market. A successful coffee shop not only featured with its high quality coffee, but also need to make some efforts on its business strategy or space design in order to create its unique spot which can continually catch people attention. The results find out that Coffee shop chain which is well-known attract customers by its band image and the unique of its store;On the other side, independent coffee shops are featured with unique style and a distinctive image positioning. By creating comfortable atmosphere in the coffee shop ,it can enhance belonging and loyalty of customers to the stores. Coffee shops have gradually diversified in its business strategy and space design. Not only the good taste but also a variety of consumer experiences can attract people attention. Overall, coffee shop chain take actions and care the social issues to express their kindness instead of directly showing on its space design. Independent coffee shops make efforts both on its business strategy and space design. Featuring its visual design and also have their own ideas on the strategy;taking care of customers inner feelings and interaction can enhance their sense of identity and belonging.


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