  • 學位論文


The Study of Monitoring System in Preservation of Monuments and Historical Buildings in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李孟杰


古蹟、歷史建築是人類不可再現的文化資產,隨著長時間自然環境與人為條件的影響,造成損壞而需進行大規模修復;由於修復時對材料特性與工法技術的不瞭解,面臨極大的挑戰與龐大花費。若能因預防性監測即時發現異常現象立即將影響因子減量或移除,並持續有效管控即可有效進行維護與降低修復挑戰與成本。此為目前聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)提出之古蹟文物預防性保存維護方法。 本研究參考UNESCO提出之定期報告與反應式監測,並根據過去臺灣修復古蹟之文獻與環境特性,釐清劣損現象與探討影響因子與選定監測儀器與監測週期,並針對監測人員與相關限制推導適用臺灣古蹟、歷史建築預防性監測之方法。為減少監測人力與儀器,本研究藉由長期監測,驗證提出之監測方法,並透過監測數據,經迴歸分析確認監測週期與變異量範圍,採用標準偏差進行儀器減量的可行性探討。最後,依據「影響因子」與「監測方法」提出臺灣古蹟、歷史建築預防性監測標準方法並掌握基礎資料的建立與特殊狀況的應對。


Historic sites and buildingsare critical cultural assets whichcannot be presented by again by human beings.Under the effects of the natural environmentand the human factors for a long time, they need repairing massively.Due to the lack of understanding of the material characteristics and technical skills, we are facing difficulties and have to expend large sums of money on repairing them.Weshouldpreserve historic monuments and buildings effectively to reach the purpose of education and culture heritage.With the preservation monitoring, we may promptly notice abnormal phenomena or high value at risk so that we can immediately reduce or remove impact factors, and that we can have control over the bad impact factors effectivelyandconsistentlyto reach the effective preventive maintenance.It can not only prevent the historicmonuments and buildings from being totally ruined, but also preservethe old materials and technology; furthermore, it can save massive repair costs. This is the current method of preventive maintenance suggested from UNESCO and international historic monuments and buildings. The article discusses about the related preservation(long-term and reactive) monitoringwhich was conducted overseas. With the discussion and analyses ofthe climate characteristics in Taiwan, construction types and materials of buildings, natural environment, and natural and man-made disasters,we can derive the methods ofpreservation monitoring which can be applied tothe historic monuments and buildingsinTaiwan.With repair reports, we can summarizethe construction types and environment conditionof Taiwan monuments, analyze the main bad factors to decide on monitoring instruments and monitoring cycle, and get known ofthe monitors and limitations. To reduce the monitoring of manpower and equipment and effectively obtain monitoring data and analyses, the study works on long-term monitoring to get monitoring methods,use the measurement data via the regression analysis to check the monitoring periods and the variance in scope, and processthe standard deviation to get the feasibility analysis of instrument reduction. Finally, according to the "impact factors" and "monitoring methodology", we proposethe standard methodsofpreservationmonitoring of historic monuments and buildings in Taiwan, have basic data built, and deal with special situations in order to achieve the aim --- operating universally, conducting simply, getting data correct,andminimizingexpenses.


[C1] 閻亞寧,臺灣地區文化資產防災,p1
[C2] 榮芳杰、傅朝卿(2009),「世界文化遺產」的監測機制對文化遺產經營管理的影響與啟示,中華民國建築學會「建築學報」,第67 期,p57-80
[C3] 林春美等(1997),《古物保存‧維護簡易手冊》,國立歷史博物館
[C4] 岩素芬(2007),國立故宮博物院文物保存維護的實踐,文化資產保存學刊,第1卷,第1期,p47-54
