  • 學位論文


A Spelling Based CAPTCHA System By Using Click

指導教授 : 黃國峰




CAPTCHA has been widely used for preventing malicious programs to access web resources automatically. In this thesis, a new type CAPTCHA system is proposed. The proposed scheme, named Clickspell, combined the features of text-based and image-based CAPTCHAs. Clickspell asks users to spell a randomly chosen word by clicking distorted letters for passing the test. Users can understand the image content by font shapes and pass test by mouse click to avoid input errors. Clickspell can be added with an image mask to improve the security. Furthermore, Clickspell has two augmented functions. First, users can learn the definition(s) of the chosen word. Second, Clickspell can add an advertisement image optionally. Thanks to the advertisement image, Clickspell improved the capability of resistance to the attack by malicious programs. Our preliminary test showed that Clickspell is practical in the aspects of security and usability.


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