  • 學位論文


The Study of Graphics Creation's Concept : Western Religious Paintings within "Shao-Nu" Romance

指導教授 : 詹玉艷


愛情是人生中一門複雜課題,特別是在三十歲後為一個經典時期、一個重要的轉捩點,現今社會典型的熟女愛情成為時下熱門探討的議題,充滿爭議及困惑,從中反映了種種扭曲的社會現象,盲目追求慾望的都會男女,需要正視扭曲的普世價值,更需要一個精神啟示。人類藝術的起源於神聖的殿堂裡,西洋宗教畫是藝術史上遺留下來的美好產物,具有豐富的文化價值及工藝內涵,為人類帶來輝煌的藝術成就。除了教化精神,宗教畫亦如詩歌般,充滿了無限地想像力與神秘感,把圖像空間與觀賞者的世界密切地連接起來。我們可藉由宗教畫裡的聖經故事,深思人生真諦,回歸至純真美好的本性。 插畫創作是現代生活中展現觀點與思想的重要媒介,本研究目的藉由插畫創作,選擇舊約與新約聖經故事作為依據,以最具代表性的宗教畫作為創作藍本,分析宗教畫歷史背後的符號意涵,以經典、解構、重組為創作三大核心,透過聖經故事的啟示,以隱喻手法探討時下熟女的感情複雜面向,共同關注那些可能被影響並改變每一個人的課題。本研究參考世界著名宗教畫的符號元素、空間構成、色彩、媒材表現,以及哥德與文藝復興時期的宗教畫風格特色,找出其中可以轉換運用至熟女愛情主題的關聯性,透過符號重新組合,結合傳統與超現實技法,衍伸這次系列數位創作,以戲謔式的幽默,用圖像分析熟女的感情世界,讓觀賞者感受到心靈的淨化與啟迪。 本創作研究透過豐富的圖像描述,帶著觀賞者親歷各種愛情的表達方式,賦予宗教畫在新時代的意義。以世界接軌為創作立基點,華麗的聖經主題是國際共通的語言,將插畫藝術化,呈現迷幻奢華的氛圍,戲劇性的矯飾主義風格,營造如史詩風格般的絕美氣息,提升個人插畫品牌形象價值,以一種豐富的人文主義內涵向世界延伸。


Love is a complex subject, especially after age at 30, which means a classic period and an important turning point for the human life. In modern society, typical "Shao-Nu" romance become popular, controversial, and confusing topics, which reflects the various distortive social phenomenon. The present metropolitan males and females blindly pursuit of desire, however, what they need is a spiritual revelation to help them to conquer twisted universal values, Art originated in the sacred halls, art history occidental religious paintings are wonderful legacy product, it has a rich cultural connotation of value and technology for humanity brilliant artistic achievement. In addition to spiritual enlightenment, religious paintings same applies poetic, fill of infinite imagination and mystery. The image space and the viewer’s world closely connected. We can be contacted by religious paintings of biblical stories, ponder the true meaning of life, return to the simplicity of beautiful nature. The illustration creation is in the modern life unfolds the viewpoint and the thought important medium, the purpose of this study created by illustrator, select the Old Testament and the New Testament story as the basis, the most representative religious painting as a creative blueprint behind the history of religious paintings symbolic meaning to the classic, deconstruction, for the creation of three core restructuring, through the Bible story of inspiration to explore metaphor for complex feelings Mature jointly focus on those likely to be affected and changed everyone's issue. This study refers to the world-famous religious paintings of symbolic elements, spatial composition, color, media performance, as well as Gothic and Renaissance religious painting style characteristics, which can be converted to use to identify "Shao-Nu" romance theme relevance, through the symbolic re-combination, combining traditional techniques with the surreal, the continuation of this series of digital creation, to banter style humor, using image analysis "Shao-Nu" emotional world, allowing viewers to feel the spiritual purification and enlightenment. Through the creation of a plentiful description of the image, with the viewer experience the various expressions of love to give religious paintings in the new era of significance. Establish standards for the creation of a world basis, ornate biblical theme is the international common language, the art of illustration, showing psychedelic luxurious ambiance, dramatic Mannerism style, to create a style as epic as the stunning atmosphere, enhance their personal brand illustrator image value in a plentiful humanistic connotation extends to the world.


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