  • 學位論文


The Development Trend of Taiwan Intelligent Home Appliances in Industrial 4.0 - The Case of J company

指導教授 : 李慶長


科技發展日新月異,隨著經濟全球化趨勢使得台灣中小企業在大陸與新興市場的生產競爭下逐漸喪失優勢,唯有不斷創新技術與產品,才能維持競爭實力並確保永續經營。本研究試圖透過在家電產業已有20餘年開發經驗的J公司個案研究,探討面對物聯網與工業4.0概念的未來趨勢,挖掘在智慧家電創新產品研發過程與創新管理方法上之關鍵成功因素。 研究結果發現,在智慧家電產業中,J公司透過重視新產品研發的管理、優先滿足關鍵客戶的需求,研發資金管控與資訊人才的培育、新產品需與未來市場緊密連結等方法,且特別重視其新產品之通訊協定連結世界標準、與新科技人才的培育,專注於利基產品,完全符合客戶需求,持續研發建立競爭優勢,以維持永續經營,此研究成果,可供未來有意於智慧家電產品企業經營策略上的參考。


The development of science and technology change rapidly, with the trend of economic globalization makes Taiwan small and medium-sized enterprises in mainland China and emerging market production competition gradually lose the advantages, only continuous innovation of technology and products, in order to maintain the competitiveness and ensure the sustainable operation. This research attempts to through in the home appliance industry has 20 years of experience in the development of J company case study, the future trend of the face of things and the concept of mining industry in 4, key success in smart appliances innovation in product development process and innovation management method of factors. The results of the study showed that in the smart appliance industry, J company through the emphasis on new product development management, a key priority to meet customer demand, cultivation, management and funding of research and development of new products and information talent market in the future is closely linked and other methods, and pay special attention to the cultivation of the communication protocol of new products and new technology, the link to the world standard the talent, focus on niche products, fully meet customer demand, continuous research and development to establish competitive advantage, to maintain sustainable management, this research, for future business strategy interested in smart appliances products enterprises on the reference.


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