  • 學位論文


Trust,Commiement,User Endorsed Influences Product Attitude-The Moderating Effect of Different Type of Blog.

指導教授 : 賴明政


現今消費者在進行購買行為前,經常會上網搜尋資訊進行比較,經常也會閱覽部落客所撰寫的介紹/試用文章。因應此一現象,企業開始與具知名度的部落客合作,委託部落客撰寫產品/服務文章,透過知名部落格,企業可以迅速接觸消費者,消費者也會因為信任部落格,而相信部落格所介紹的產品/服務。然而部落格為業務合作而撰寫的文章,也使消費者產生信任的疑慮。 本研究藉由3種部落格類型(知名、素人、企業)×2種人氣(人氣高、人氣低),共6組不同實驗設計。6組實驗設計中,共同成立之假說為資訊品質對信任有顯著正向影響,信任對產品態度有顯著正向影響,產品態度對購買意願有顯著正向影響。但網友贊同對承諾的影響未獲支持,進一步透過差異性分析發現,部落格類型及人氣高低確實使本研究所提出之構面間有顯著差異。


Nowaday,before making purchases desicion,consumers always comparing different Information through searching on internet,and viewed introduction articles of product/service written by blogger . Response to this phenomenon,companies bagan to cooperate with well-know blogger,Commission bloggers write introduction articles of product/service,companies can reach consumer quickly . Because consumers trust the blog,therefore they will trust the produce/service,that introduced by blog .However,blogger write aticles for operational cooperation became trust issuses of consumers. This study use three kinds of blog type(celebirty blog、regular consumer blog、company blog)×two degree of popularity(high、low),total of six different experimental desighs.Hypothesis common establishment in different experimental desigh is H1:Information quality have significant positive influences turst. H6:Trust have significant positive influences product attitude.H10:Product attitude have significant positive influences purchase intention.


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