  • 學位論文


The Proposal of Master Thesis The Study of Skill Test to Learning Condition of Vocational School Students and The Cognition Difference of Enterring a Higher School Take one tourism department of high school for example

指導教授 : 吳有龍


近年來隨著開放大陸來臺觀光及自由行、餐飲、觀光產業隨之蓬勃發展,但隨之而來的便是專業人才的不足,因此,如何將這些未來基層人力,做有效的教育訓練與規劃培養,便是未來經濟發展的重要課題。而高職技職教育是負起人才的訓練,技術的培養,及灌輸未來進入職場之應有正確之良好態度,這一切之訓練與教育,便是為了未來進入職場之基本技能作準備,就技能學習而言,其目的在增進學生之基礎技術能力。近年來,仔細觀察高商技職教育不斷倡導商業類在校生技能檢定,其目地便是希望能提升學生技術能力。 本研究以高雄市某高級中學觀光科學生為研究對象,重點放在中餐烹調技能檢定的效益評估,藉此了解在校生技能檢定的實施,與觀光科學生學習之動機、學習過程之方法、學習中之態度、學習期間之習慣及學習技能等層面相互間的情形。本研究參考之前的研究,進而編訂「高職觀光類科學生技能學習成效因素之研究問卷」,以研究者服務學校之學生為取樣對象,共發放200份問卷,扣除無效問卷18份,有效問卷為182份。在樣本的敘述性統計分析顯示,92.8%的同學通過通過丙級考試。問卷整體看來,學生們都認同實務良好的學習環境,可以讓自己無論在求學態度、考取證照及未來升學上,都有良好的幫助。而在假設檢定方面,證實基本餐飲技能檢定對於學習情境上有顯著的影響,學習情境對升學認知上有顯著的影響,而基本餐飲技能檢定對於升學認知上則無顯著的影響。 依據研究發現與結論,研究者提出下列建議供教師與政府部門相關單位參考。第一,敦促政府相關單位推動「證照法制化」: 證照不只可當成升學管道加分之依據,未來的職業類科必須領有證照後才方能開店執業。第二,課程理論搭配職場實務經驗操作: 以提高學生對本科課程的興趣與了解,並可多可安排校外參訪,以增加學生對未來職場的認識與了解,亦可提高學生未來就業信心度。


In recent years, our government has been opening up the access for people from China to travel in Taiwan with a group or individually. Along with it, dining and tourism industry have developed greatly. However, there are not enough professionals for these areas at the workplaces. Therefore, how do we train the future basic man power and hold effective education training for economic development is a crucial lesson for us. Vocational school is for people training, technical development, and building up the proper attitude for workplace. All these trainings and education are for preparing students to have capable skills for their future workplaces. As for technical learning, the purpose of it is to build up students’ primary technical abilities. Lately, take a close look at the vocational school education that it keeps emphasizing the technical exams of the current students on business areas. The purpose is to develop students’ technical abilities. This study took the students majored in Tourism in one vocational high school in Kaohsiung for example. The point is on the effectiveness assessment of Chinese cooking technical exam. We may understand the application of technical exam of current students, the motivation of learning of Tourism students, methods of learning process, attitude of learning, habits of learning, and different aspects of learning techniques through it. This study referred to previous studies and edited “ Questionnaire for students in Tourism of Vocational High School’s Technical Learning Effectiveness Factors Study.” Take the researcher’s students in his/her school for samples, spreading out 200 questionnaires. There are 18 ineffective ones out of 200 and 182 effective ones out of them. The descriptive statistics of the sample showed that 92.8% students passed C Class of Chinese Food. Form the questionnaire, students all agreed that having a good learning environment helps their own learning attitude, passes exams, and applies schools. As for the hypothesis exam, it proved that basic dining technical exams have obvious influences on learning conditions. Learning conditions have great influences on applying schools acknowledgement. However, basic dining technical exams have no obvious influences on applying schools acknowledgement. According to the research discovery and conclusion, researchers brought out the following suggestion for instructors and related government departments. First, push the related government department to set “license legalization” into action. Licenses are not only for getting the extra points of applying the schools, but also for starting a business with them from these vocational areas. Second, course theories go with the workplace experience to build up students’ interests and understanding of the courses. Besides, schools may arrange some outside campus visit to some workplaces in order to increase the knowledge and understanding of their future jobs. Moreover, it raises up students’ confidence to get the occupation.


66.單文經(2001,7 月,,解析 Beane 對課程統整理論與實際的主張。國立台灣師範大學教育研究集刊,47 輯,57-89 頁。(國科會獎勵) 。
72.呂建政 (1999), 休閒教育的課程內涵與實施, 公民訓育學報,8, 181-195 。
