  • 學位論文


The study of Gift giving in Chinese Society: The moderating role of design support

指導教授 : 陳怡穆


送禮行為在華人社會體系中扮演著非常重要的角色。本研究以贈禮者與受禮者人際親疏關係與贈禮者愛面子程度對於購買禮品時產生的焦慮之影響,進一步探討,提供設計支持是否能有效降低贈禮者選購禮品時的焦慮感。討論重點在於贈禮者和受禮者間的關係將如何影響送禮行為,華人送禮文獻中少有探討設計支持,而本研究納入此變數。 本研究採用便利性抽樣方式,提供情境與禮物圖片,以是否提供禮盒包裝或散裝讓消費者自己組合, 用量表衡量提供設計支持前後的焦慮感。 研究結果顯示:當人際關係越親近,與贈禮者越愛面子的情形下,在挑選禮物時的焦慮感較高,提供設計支持後,焦慮感由顯著降低,顯示廠商提供設計支持減弱了人際親疏與愛面子對於選購焦慮的關係。


送禮 人際 面子 焦慮 設計支持


Gift giving plays an important role in Chinese society. This research focuses on the influence of the present giver’s anxiety when choosing the gift regarding the relationship between recipient and him as well as his value towards Mianzi. In addition, whether the design support can decrease the feeling of anxiety will be discussed. Since Chinese research rarely talks about the importance of the gift design support, this research will mainly focus on this point. This research uses the convenience sampling method by offering the picture of gift and suitable scenario to explore the feeling of anxiety. The feeling of anxiety of gift giver before and after they receive the gift design support were measured. The closer relationship between gift giver and recipient and more face saving the gift giver are, the more anxious the gift giver will feel. After the gift design support is offered, the feeling of anxiety becomes less significant.


Gift-giving Guanxi Mianzi Anxiety Design Support


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