  • 學位論文


Effectiveness Analysis of Home Care Service for Psychiatric Patients

指導教授 : 應純哲


背景:落實去機構化運動與發展有效的社區精神復健模式已是現今精神醫療照護的重要方向,嚴重思覺失調症病人的再住院率比一般人來的高,而這些病人過高的住院費用已經在醫療上造成巨大的負擔,本研究係以南部某醫學中心接受精神科居家照護的病人為調查對象,探討精神科居家照護的效益,以提供院方推展精神醫療機構以醫院為基礎的居家照護服務。 研究目的:探討接受精神科居家照護前後之再住院次數與天數的差異分析,並了解思覺失調症病人之人口學及照護期間使用藥物等變項與再住院次數及再住院天數是否有差異。 研究方法: 本研究屬回溯性研究,利用醫院「居家資料庫」2006年1月至2015年12月共計10年的資料,篩選主診斷碼及次診斷碼為ICD-9-CM 295思覺失調症病人為研究對象,以 SPSS 20.0 統計軟體依據研究目的及變項性質進行描述性及推論性統計分析。研究結果:結果發現病人平均發病年齡為32.68歲(SD =11.06);平均接受精神科居家照護時間為5.08年(SD =2.63),精神科居家照護期間使用之藥物,長效針劑占最多83.3%(第一代抗精神病劑長效針劑占24.2%、第二代抗精神病劑長效針劑占59.1%);接受居家照護後,在住院次數及住院天數上明顯減少,接受精神科居家照護後的第一年達顯著( p< .001),在人口學及居家照護期間使用藥物等變項與再住院次數及再住院天數並無顯著意義。 討論: 接受精神科居家照護前一年,無論在住院次數或住院天數達到高峰,住院第一年是介入精神科居家照護最好的契機,此結果提供精神醫療機構推展以醫院為基礎的居家照護服務,結合社區資源以延續醫院治療,提供持續性的照護。目前政府正積極推動長期照護,應鼓勵精神科院所提供精神科居家照護服務,使精神科居家照護普及化,建構思覺失調症病人長期照護網絡,以呼應思覺失調症病人的長照需求。


Background: To implement the policies of the deinstitutionalization, developing an effective community-based service model is an essential part of a modern mental health system. However, the costs and care burden for both the caregivers and official medical care system are still higher than we expected. Purpose: The study was trying to explore the effectiveness of the hospital-based psychiatric home care service in a medical center of southern Taiwan, for the purpose of improving the current care model among the patients with schizophrenia. Methods: We applied a retrospective design had study during the period from January 2006 to December 2015. The participants who had received home care services for more than one year were enrolled. The primary outcomes were the numbers of acute ward admissions and the duration of each admission. The comparison of the main outcomes was to analyze before and after the enrolled date within a 1-year period. Results: The mean age of participants was 32.68. The most common treatment strategy for the participants receiving the home care service was long-acting injection of antipsychotics (83.3% of all participants). After adjusting the possible confounding factors such as the medication use, the major result of the current study was statistically significant decreases in both the numbers of acute admissions and the duration of each admission among the patients with schizophrenia who received home care service for the first period. Conclusion: The study revealed that even short-term home care service would be helpful to improve the re-hospitalized rate and the duration needed for admission among the patients with schizophrenia. However, due to the shortcomings of the pre-post study, further randomized, controlled trials are necessary.


吳永富、闕菁儀(2016)。社區施打長效針劑的思覺失調症患者,認知衛教有無對其再住院率及症狀影響。臨床醫學,79(3),180–183。doi: 10.6666/ClinMed.2017.79.3.033
