  • 學位論文


Study on relationship among Cosmetology skill tests, Internet Usage and the learning effect -Using Cosmetology Rotary Cooperative Education in FUHWA Senior High School as an example

指導教授 : 吳靖純




In recent years, there has been rapid growth in the Taiwanese economy, which in this case was also followed by the transformation of the traditional industry, the working population evolving from a technical orientation towards specialization, the professionalism of the service personnel being subject to the attention of the consumer public. However, in the face of global openness and today's liberalization, Taiwan's industrial development trend has changed from traditional industries to service industries , with the hospitality and tourism industries being most prevalent ,also increasing its professional manpower, human resources planning and training, and has since become an important work of economic development. One of the main objectives of higher vocational education lies in cultivation of the required professional skills, the establishment of the appropriate professional attitude, and vocational college students learning skills in preparation for a future career, to assume a career as technical capability. Skills learning aims to increase students 'technical capability in recent years, the HEC of technical and vocational education advocate business class to enhance students' in students skills test, of technical capability. In this study, using Rotary Cooperation Education in Kaohsiung City's Private FuHwa Secondary School tourism education students as the research object, the research focused on the assessment of the benefits of the cosmetology skill tests, hoping to understand the industry's views on the cosmetology skill assessment. Research showed that through cosmetology skill assessments and students with a better internet usage, also regard cognitive studies as much higher.


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