  • 學位論文


The Effects of Satisfaction, Loyalty and Retaining Willing of Volunteer Military Servicemen on R.O.C. (Taiwan) Military Image – A Case Study of Military Police Unit in Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 徐祥禎


政府為了因應全球化競爭而對國軍進行組織調整與精實,立意甚佳但卻使許多國軍士官兵對於軍職生涯充滿不確定性,所以提升現役國軍士官兵的職場工作滿意度是相當重要的。 中華民國憲兵是負有維護軍隊紀律、保障與維護國家憲法、防衛重要軍事或國家設施的軍事單位,具有司法警察的特色,同時也是代表軍隊紀律嚴明的象徵。本研究以憲兵軍士官兵為例,對於國軍的形象影響內部人員的工作滿意度,進行深入探討內部員工在這麼高標準、高壓力、高執法困難度的工作環境產生的影響、以及這些具有肩負維護憲法、執行軍法的高度榮譽工作,對於員工的忠誠度與志願役留營意願造成的影響。 因此,本研究主要探討國軍形象對於憲兵單位人員之工作滿意度的影響、憲兵的員工滿意度對於員工忠誠度的影響、憲兵的員工滿意度對於員工留營意願的影響、探討國軍形象對於憲兵的員工忠誠度的影響、探討國軍形象對於憲兵留營意願的影響。藉由量化分析結果,可作為國軍留才以及人才養成之參考依據。


The government of Republic of China (ROC) has adjusted the national army policy and made many great efforts on this issue in order to cope with the global competition. However, many officers and soldiers in the military are uncertain about their military a due to policy changed. Therefore, it is very important to improve the job satisfaction of serviced soldiers. The Military Police (MP) of the ROC is a military unit that maintains military discipline, safeguards and the national constitution. MP defends important military facilities with the characteristics of judicial police, and is also a symbol of strict discipline on behalf of the armed forces. In this research, the MP units as examples to the military image have been in-depth studied the impact of internal staff job satisfaction. The internal staff beared in such a high standard, pressure and difficult law enforcement has been interviewed to investigate the impact of working environment. For MP who carried out high honor jobs, such as the ROC Constitution guarding and military law enforcement, the impact of staff loyalty of MP on voluntary soldiers remaining service is included. Therefore, this study mainly discusses the influence of military image on the job satisfaction of MP units, the influence of staff satisfaction of MP units on employee loyalty, the influence of staff satisfaction of MP gendarmerie units on employee retention willingness, the influence of military image on the loyalty of MP staff, and the influence of military image on the willingness of MP to remain service. Results based on the quantitative analysis can be directly used as the retain talent and career development in the military service.


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