  • 學位論文


A study of English After-school Learning Experience and Learning Attitude in Relation to Learning achievement-an example for the Elementary school in Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 鄧穎懋 李秀玲


本研究旨在探討國小學童校外補習經驗和校內學習態度對其英語學業成就之影響。首先,研究者針對任教學校之三至六年級學童進行抽樣,以問卷調查方式取得受試者之基本資料和補習經驗現況資料;其次,以「英語學習態度量表」來調查學童校內英語學習態度情況;最後探討校外英語補習經驗和學習態度是否對英語學業成就產生影響。 為達成研究目的,研究者以「高雄市○○國小中高年級學童參加英語補習及英語學習態度之調查問卷」進行 調查,隨機抽取4個普通班級,有效問卷總計105份,進行 統計分析,並根據研究結果,提出以下的具體結論 與建議: 一、 中、高年級現在有參加校外英語補習或曾經參加英語補習的學童,在英語學業成就表現上顯著差異 二、 校外補習年數和時數屬於連續變數,與英語學業成就做相關分析後,發現學生在國小時期參加校外英語補習的年數與其英語學業成就有顯著的正相關,即參加校外英語補習的年數愈長,則英語學業成就的分數愈高。 三、 在英語學習態度量中,顯示出學生對英語課程、學習動機、英語作業態度量表分數愈高,則英語學業成就也就愈高。 四、 英語補習年數、英語課程態度和英語教師態度對於英語學業成就的預測力為15.8%。 五、 教學者能在課程安排上能多提供同儕間合作互動的機會,培養學生自主學習的能力;另ㄧ方面,家長應該將補習英語著重在能力的養成。


The purpose of this research is to explore the effect of English extracurricular learning and learning attitude in relation to English academic achievement. The students of the third to sixth grade in ○○ elementary school are sampled for gathering their basic information and recent English extracurricular learning experience. Also, "English Learning Attitude Scale" is used to investigate scholastic English learning attitude. To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, this research collected related information, designed the questionnaire, and investigated by random sampling from four classes of ○○ elementary school. The results of questionnaire are analyzed by the statistical methods, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression. The findings are specified as follows: 1. This research showed significant differences in the English academic achievement of the students who have participation in English extracurricular learning. 2. The number of years of extracurricular English learning had positive relation in English academic achievement. 3. This research found that scores of English course, learning motivation, homework attitude Scale higher, students’ English academic achievement is also higher. 4. The number of years of extracurricular English learning and Positive attitude toward English course and teacher had the capability to predict English academic achievement. 5. The instructor should provide more cooperative learning opportunities for pupils in English curriculum. On the other hand, parents should focus on developing kids’ language capacity rather than higher score in English academic achievement.


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