  • 學位論文

核心自我評價與工作滿意度之結構關係研究 -- 以內在工作激勵為中介變數

A study of structural relationship between core self-evaluation and job satisfaction --mediating by intrinsic motivation

指導教授 : 廖紫柔


企業員工若能在工作中感受到自身價值及發揮自身最大的優勢,進而對公司有認同、歸屬感,對工作感到滿足,更有意願留在公司繼續服務,因此,對於員工如何在工作得到高度工作滿意便成為研究的焦點。國內現有的研究核心自我評價大多以台灣勞工為主,較缺乏比較台灣與其他國家地區的員工,例如越南勞工,之間的差異性之相關研究。 本研究透過問卷方式,隨機抽樣問卷調查610位台灣勞工及998位越南勞工,並將其收集之問卷資料運用於SPSS及AMOS 21.0套裝軟體進行分析,並以結構模式來驗證兩個地區的核心自我評價、工作滿意、及內在工作激勵三者結構關係是否具有差異。 結果顯示,三變數之結構關係驗證顯示,台越勞工之核心自我評價確實會經由內在工作激勵的中介效果顯著間接影響工作滿意度,但此中介效果對於台灣勞工的影響小於越南勞工。換言之,內在工作激勵對工作滿意度的影響在越南比在台灣強度較大。


If employees can feel their own values and play to their greatest advantages at work, they will be committed to the organizations and satisfied with job, and then have a high willingness to work in the organizations. Thus, job satisfaction is an important research focus. Most research in Taiwan take Taiwanese employees as examples for studies, just few conducted a behavioral comparison of employees between Taiwan and other countries. This study attempted to compare the differences of work behaviors between Taiwan’s and Vietnam’s employees, using a structural modeling to analyze the relationship among three variables: core self-evaluation, job satisfaction and intrinsic motivation. This study performed a questionnaire survey both in Taiwan and Vietnam, 610 objects were randomly selected in Taiwan and 998 in Vietnam. Such statistical software as SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 21.0 were used to analyze the collected data and to investigate if there are differences between employees of these two countries about the structural relationship among core self-evaluation, job satisfaction and intrinsic motivation. The research results showed that the structural relationship of the three variables is existed both in Taiwan and Vietnam, yet the mediation effect of intrinsic motivation on the relationship between core self-evaluation and job satisfaction is much lower in Taiwan than in Vietnam. Therefore, the influence of intrinsic motivation towards job satisfaction is higher in Vietnam than in Taiwan.


吳超榮、甘怡群(2005),核心自我評價:一個驗證性因素分析,北京大學學報(自然科學版),41(4), 622-627
