  • 學位論文


Effects of Leadership Style on Work Stress and Job Satisfaction- A Case of Kaohsiung City Police Department

指導教授 : 林皆興


本研究旨在瞭解警察機關主管領導風格、員警工作壓力與工作滿意度之現況;探討不同個人背景變項之員警在工作壓力與工作滿意度之差異情形,以及領導風格、工作壓力與工作滿意度三者間的相關及預測情形。本研究以高雄市政府警察局所屬各分局、大隊現職非主管職務之員警為研究對象,採用分層隨機抽樣方式進行問卷調查,共計發出問卷300份,回收267份,經扣除填答不完全及固定式反應之無效問卷15份後,合計有效問卷252份,可用率84%。問卷結果經統計分析得到下列結論: 一、員警知覺主管領導風格屬於中等偏低程度,其中以「民主式」領導風格最高。 二、員警的工作壓力屬於中等偏低程度,其中以來自「機關內在」的壓力最高。 三、員警的工作滿意度屬於中等偏低程度,其中以「內在滿意」感受較高。 四、女性、25歲(含)以下、專科學歷、服務年資10年以下、工作性質為內外勤兼具、婚姻狀況為其他(離婚、分居、喪偶)及已婚、無子女的員警工作壓力較大;男性、36-55歲、研究所以上學歷、服務年資11-20年、內勤及外勤、未婚、有子女的員警工作壓力較小。 五、男性、25歲(含)以下、專科以下學歷、服務年資5年(含)以下及21-25年、工作性質為外勤及內、外勤兼具、已婚、無子女的員警工作滿意度較高;女性、26-45歲、大學以上學歷、服務年資6-10年、工作性質為內勤、未婚、有子女的員警工作滿意度較低。 六、主管領導風格、員警工作壓力與工作滿意度三者有顯著相關,其中,整體領導風格與整體工作壓力呈現顯著負相關;整體領導風格與整體工作滿意度呈現顯著正相關;整體工作壓力與整體工作滿意度呈現顯著負相關。 七、主管領導風格與員警工作壓力對於工作滿意度有顯著性的預測力。


The purpose of this study is to explore the current situation of leadership style of police supervisor, work stress and job satisfaction of police. Exploring the difference between the current work stress and job satisfaction of each police officers by considering personal background variables, and the correlations among the leadership style, work stress and job satisfaction will be review and predicting the possible future trends or patterns. This research is based on the police agencies & subordinate branches in Kaohsiung City Police Department including all the current officers and excluding all the management ranks. The design of questionnaires is adopted by stratified random sampling method, Originally, there were 300 questionnaires distributed, at the end there are only 267 questionnaires retrieved, and 15 out of 267 questionnaires are invalid questionnaires, therefore the valid questionnaires number is 252 and the availability rate is 84%. According the statistical analysis of this questionnaires, results are summarized as follows: 1、The leadership style of supervisor of police perception is at low-middle level. Among them, the leadership style of democratic is the highest. 2、The work stress of police is at low-middle level. Among them, the stress from organization inside is the highest. 3、The job satisfaction of police is at low-middle level. Among them, the inside satisfaction feel higher. 4、Female, 25 years old (including below), college degree, serving 10 years below, the nature of work both office and field, the marriage status is others (divorced, separated, widowed) and married, childless police have larger work stress; male, 36-55 years old, graduated degree and above, serving 11-20 years, office work and fieldwork, unmarried, with children police have smaller work stress. 5、Male, 25 years old (including below), the following specialist qualifications, serving 5 years (including below) and 21-25 years, the nature of work in the fieldwork and both fieldwork and office work, married, childless police have higher job satisfaction; female, 26-45 years old, university education and above, serving 6-10 years, the nature of work for the office, unmarried, with children police have lower job satisfaction. 6、The leadership style of supervisor, police work stress and job satisfaction show significant correlation. Among them, overall leadership style and the overall work stress presented significant negative correlation; Overall leadership style and the overall job satisfaction presented significant positive correlation; Overall work stress and the overall job satisfaction presented significant negative correlation. 7、The leadership style of supervisor and police work stress have significant and predictive power on job satisfaction.


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