  • 學位論文


A Liver Disease Diagnosis System Using Data Mining and Fuzzy Logic Techniques

指導教授 : 劉振隆


隨著現代人開始注重健康飲食與身體保健,大家常常會去醫院做健康檢查,而健康報告出來都是一堆密密麻麻的生理數據,一般民眾大部分都是非專業領域,常常會因為看不懂而困擾著。本研究是以資料探勘分類技術中的決策樹應用於肝臟疾病之預測,其病例經分析後可驗證哪些病例之屬性會引起肝臟疾病。本研究採用UCI資料庫之ILPD (Indian Liver Patient Dataset)總共有583筆樣本資料,刪除4筆資料不完整,共採用579筆資料,這些資料採用屬性分析,找出屬性的顯著性,保留顯著性高之屬性,刪除顯著性低之屬性,可使得預測結果之準確性提高。進一步地,本研究採用模糊理論來建置模糊專家系統,將模糊專家系統作為罹患肝臟疾病診斷之用,藉由肝臟疾病之關鍵危險因子來建立完整的模糊規則知識庫,讓使用者輸入對應的生理指數,找出符合的模糊規則,最後預測出得肝病的風險評估。本研究結果可以輔助民眾自行做簡易的肝臟疾病預測,並亦可提供給醫師做診斷時之分析參考。


This study uses classification decision tree algorithm to apply to the prediction of liver disease. By way of the analysis of the cases of database, we can identify the significant attributes which have the effects on causing the liver disease. This study adopts a total of 583 sample data accessed from ILPD (Indian Liver Patient Dataset) in UCI repository database as the disease database. In this study, we apply attribute analysis to find out the significant attributes. By retaining the attributes with high significance to the disease and deleting those with low significance to the disease, the accuracy of prediction can be improved. Moreover, this study uses fuzzy theory to build up a fuzzy expert system, and then we combine the fuzzy expert system and the database of liver disease to create fuzzy rules by using the key attributes of liver disease. Thereafter, a user can enter the inputs of corresponding physiological indices into the system to create the appropriate fuzzy rules and obtain the risk assessment of liver disease. The results of this study not only can help the public to do the prediction by themselves in order to sure whether they are affected with liver disease or not, but also the study can provide a physician for a reference when he/she makes a medical diagnoses to a patient with liver disease.


[1] A+醫學百科(2005),From:http://cht.a-hospital.com/w/%E8%82%9D%E7%99%8C#.E8.82.9D.E7.99.8C.E7.9A.84.E6.B2.BB.E7.96.97。
[2] A+醫學百科(2005),From:http://cht.a-hospital.com/w/%E8%82%9D%E7%A1%AC%E5%8C%96#.E6.B2.BB.E7.96.97。
[3] A+醫學百科(2005),From:http://cht.a-hospital.com/w/%E8%84%82%E8%82%AA%E8%82%9D#.Uxb0dfmSySp。
[4] A+醫學百科(2005),From:http://cht.a-hospital.com/w/%E8%87%AA%E8%BA%AB%E5%85%8D%E7%96%AB%E6%80%A7%E8%82%9D%E7%82%8E#.Uxb1jvmSySo。


