  • 學位論文


A Study of the Influence of Business Facebook Feedback on Consumer Behavior

指導教授 : 田瑞駒


在現今網際網路普及的社會,人們藉由各式社群平台進行互動,社群網站已成為現代人重要的資訊交流以及溝通管道之一。Facebook涵蓋許多功能,如社交、遊戲或資訊分享等,其中粉絲專頁(Page)最具前瞻性及商業價值,已漸成為產業界新一代的社群行銷利器。而根據Pollster波仕特線上市調(2010)針對民眾最喜愛瀏覽的部落格類型調查,結果顯示高達40%的受訪者表示「美食類」為最吸引人瀏覽的部落格文章種類。由於近年部落格型態已漸沒落,因此本研究欲了解有關Facebook美食類別粉絲團之網路口碑對消費者購買意願影響,以實體問券進行研究資料的搜集,共蒐集210份有效的實體問卷。研究結果整理如下: 1. 消費者按「讚」加入Facebook美食類粉絲專頁的最主要目的,是為了獲得最新資訊及觀看美食評論,並且文章內容附有實物照片以及對店家資訊敘述清楚的發文最受青睞。 2. 消費者特別重視「服務態度佳」、「餐點超好吃」、「用餐環境整齊清潔衛生」及「使用黑心原料」等問題。 3. 美食類別粉絲專頁內的網路口碑會影響消費者的購買意願,而負面網路口碑確實也會對消費者造成強烈影響以及留下深刻印象。


粉絲專頁 口碑 購買意願


In this modern society where the internet is comon and popular, people interact with each other by all kinds of social networking platforms, which have become one of the important channels for modern people to exhchange information and to communicate. Facebook contains several functions, such as social contact, game play, information sharing, and so on. "Page" among those functions shows itself the utmost promising with the business value. Furthermore, according to an online survey about your favorite blog, conducted by Pollster (2010), a high percentage of 40% of the respondents chose "gourmet food" as the most attracting style of blog. Due to the recession of blog in recent years, this research has been trying to study the impact of the internet word of mouth, about the gourmet food page on Facebook, on consumers' purchase intention. We sent out paper questuonaires and totally received 210 reliable replys back. The results of the research are as follows. 1. The main reason why consumers click "like" and join the goumet food page on Facebook is they are eager to know more about the latest information and comments as well of the gourmet food. They are especially in favor of articles with vivid pictures of real objects and posts with shop details. 2. Consumers in particular pay attention to the issues regarding good service, delicious food, and clean environment. 3. The impact of the internet positive word of mouth, about the gourmet food page on Facebook, on consumers' purchase intention is proved significantly effective. Likewise, the negative internet word of mouth will unavoidably lead to a negative outcome.


Facebook Fan Page Word of Mouth Purchase Intention


莊濟任、王如鈺、王仁宏(2012)。「網路口碑對網路團購意圖之影響 」。中原企管評論,第十卷第一期,1–33。
