  • 學位論文


The Influnnce of the military Relations after the lmplementation of the two laws of National Defense

指導教授 : 蕭宏金


在為使國軍朝向更國家化前提下,政府於民國89年1月29日立法院三讀通過『國防法』與『國防部組織法』(以下此二法,簡稱國防二法』,並由總統明令公布實施,使得國軍脫離黨(國民)軍色彩,效忠國家落實軍隊國激化。自此刻起,中華民國之國防組織發展邁入了新的進程,而國防組織與國防事務法制化,使國軍獲致更為明確的保障與遵循的依據。國防二法的施行,確實是我國國防發展歷史上最重要的新頁,其不僅解決國防組織法規的不明確、模糊狀態,以及結束長期以來權責不明的運作模式―軍政、軍令二元體制;開啟軍政、軍令、軍備一元化之運作模式,朝更專業、合作及分工的國防制度前進;此外,更樹立了軍隊國家化的理念,同時確立了民主政治國家「文人統制」的新思維。 雖然二法施行迄今已逾16年,期間仍不乏有其爭議及不足的地方,如文人領軍部分仍未落實,自二法施行以來,國防部長僅扁政府時期的蔡明憲擔任部長,惟僅維持三個月,而馬政府時期雖曾提拔時任副部長的楊念祖擔任部長,可惜因爭議僅擔任一個星期即下台。國防部長多由高階軍職人員退伍後轉任,徒具形式未臻落實該法之精神。


On the premise of more nationalized military personnel, the Legislative Yuan passed the National Defense Law and the Organic Law of the Ministry of National Defense(normally called as Two Laws of National Defense) on January 29, 2000 and proclaimed by the President to disconnect the relations between political party(Kuomintang) and military to be faithful to the country and to realize nationalization of the armed forces. From then on,the development of military organization of the Republic of China advances to a new milestone while the military organization and legalization of national defense to enable themilitary personnel to obtain more definite protection and serve as the referee for compliance.The enactment of the Two Laws of National Defense was truly the most important turning point of the history ofthe development of our national defense not only to solve problems of uncertain and fuzzy state of national defense organizations but also to terminate the operational model under the ambiguous authority and responsibility for a long time ― the binary system between military administration and command; the new operational model of consolidation of military policy, military command, and armaments was developed to move towards more professional as well as division-and-cooperation national defense system; in addition, the concept of nationalization of the armed forces was established while the new thinking of “civilian control” of democracies was also determined. The Two Laws of National Defense has been implemented for over 16 years nevertheless, there was still lack of defects and inadequacies, for instance, the civilian control of military failed to realize, Ming-Shian Tsai served as the Minister of National Defense for three months only under Chen Shui-bian’s Government while the deputy minister Nien-Chu C. Yang was promoted to be the Minister for one week only under Ma Ying-Jiu’s Government. Most of the ministers of the national defense were transferred from the senior military personnel after retirement; it appeared illusory and failed to realize the spirit of the said act.


四、保羅.布肯列(paul bracken),《美國的文武關係:危機或轉機?》(國防部史政編譯局編印2000 年)。
