  • 學位論文

護理人員執業環境知覺感受對留任意願影響之探討 : 以南部某區域教學醫院為例

Discussion on the Influence of Nursing Personnel 's Environmental Perceived Feelings on Retention : A case study of a regional teaching hospital in south Taiwan

指導教授 : 高月慈




Evidence-based research indicates that the intention to stay and caring quality of care of nursing staff are directly influenced by nurses’ practice environment. The study explores and discusses the difference in perceived feelings of nursing staffs towards the current nursing prac-tice environment, its correlation with predictability their intention to stay, in a regional teaching hospital. Data collection was conducted using cross-sectional study design, selectively inviting nursing staffs from a regional teaching hospital in southern Taiwan to participate in the study, adopting anonymous self-administered questionnaires. Research tools included basic data sheet, the Chinese version of Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index, Number of 272 valid samples . Hierarchical regression statistical method was used in this study to analyze the changes in the perception of nursing staffs towards the practice environment in order to predict their intention to stay. Findings nearly all nursing staffs moderate satisfaction perceived feeling of practice environment and they were most disappointed with the “enough manpower and all kinds of resources”. The perception of nursing staffs towards the practice environment varies according to their age and seniority. Their perception towards different nursing practice envi-ronment significantly affects their intention to stay. Five sub-questionnaires of the Practice En-vironment Scale of the Nursing Work Index were taken as predictive variables for correlation regression analysis. The nursing practice environment is highly related to the intention to stay, which can significantly predict the intention to stay. In the end, the findings of this study are applied to the management practice, expecting hospitals to emphasize the involvement of nurs-ing staffs and their stay in nursing workplace to enhance nursing working satisfaction and lengthen their seniority in nursing service and further provide better nursing quality.


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