  • 學位論文


The Selection of the Best Alternative for General Ammunition Mobilization

指導教授 : 薄喬萍 魏乃捷


本研究探討我國與美軍及新加坡先進國家彈藥勤務支援方式的差異性,參照上述國家研擬分析本軍通用彈藥庫房存管採「模組化」、「貨櫃化」或「貨櫃化及模組化兩者併用」等三個方式,進行評選最適方案,俾利縮短支援三軍作戰單位彈藥整補及清點期程。 透過相關文獻的蒐集及「專家訪談法」彙整出彈藥補給常採用的三種勤務支援模式,研究過程經歸納分析包含安全面、成本面、效率面、及任務面等四個評估準則及十五個評估因子,並藉由兩階段問卷調查,以層級法及資料包絡分析法計算出四個評估構面的權重及十五個評估因子的效率值,並據以求得三種存管模式的期望值,歸納出最佳模式的研究結論。 研究結果顯示三種評選模式以「貨櫃化及模組化兩者併用」模式最佳,對照國軍目前模組化的存管支援方式,要朝兩者併用模式,顯然必須投注更多的國防預算分年逐步執行,方能構建彈藥勤務支援方式最適方案,以面對二十一世紀現代戰爭型態。


The research is about the exploration on the differences of the maintenance and mobilization of ammunition among United States, and Singapore and Taiwan, R.O.C. Referring to the two countries mentioned above, I analyzed the general maintenance of R.O.C Army Ammunition by using modularization, containerization, or the combination of both modularization and containerization to evaluate and select the best way in order to benefit the flow of maintenance and mobilization of ammunition of the armed forces. By means of collecting the references and Expert Interview Survey, I summarized three modules for the maintenance and mobilization of ammunition. In the process of this research, there are 4 evaluation standards, including safety, cost, efficiency, and mission, and 15 evaluation factors adopted while analyzing and deducting. The efficiency value of the 4 standards and 15 factors was calculated by using the two-stage survey, and Data Envelopment Analysis to find out the expectation value of the three modules so as to in the end to bring forth the result of the best optimum. The research result showed that the combination of both modularization and containerization stands out of the three. In contrast with the contemporary maintenance and mobilization of armed forces , it is apparent that the armed forces will have to invest much more national defense budget, if the combination of both modularization and containerization is adopted, to construct the best optimum of the maintenance and mobilization of ammunition so that the armed forces could face the newly-modernized war pattern in 21st century.


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